MDPI Blog Team Update: December 2022
It’s time for another blog team update.
First and foremost, our goal is to provide a platform for the insightful research published in MDPI journals.
In addition, we share information related to our submission process, as well as advice and guidance for academics.
MDPI Blog Team Update
The Blog continues to provide a space for creatives to contribute content.
Jenny Knowles and Jack Nash, Content Creators, have now left the MDPI Blog Team after successfully writing and publishing so many fantastic articles.
Our current content creators are Katherine (top right), Danni (bottom left), Shaheena (bottom middle), and Nat (bottom right).
Furthermore, D.J. (not pictured) is our content strategist and handles SEO. In addition, he contributes content to the blog.
In addition, the blog leaders, Stefan (top left) and Facundo (top middle), oversee the process.
Blog Team Update: Highlights
For December 2022’s Blog Team Update, here are our top picks from the team.
- How Open Access is Fighting Misinformation by Shaheena Patel
- Disseminating Monkeypox Research by Daniella Maritan-Thomson (and Katherine Bosworth)
- Climate Justice in the Context of the Global South by Nat Kelly
- Peer Review Week 2022 by D.J. McPhee
- Research Reveals New Health Benefits of Broccoli by Katherine Bosworth
How Open Access is Fighting Misinformation by Shaheena Patel
In this article, Shaheena provides insight into the rise of so-called ‘fake news’. Clearly, open access is an excellent tool for stopping misinformation in its tracks. Moreover, it’s a way to get the facts out there quickly and to everyone. Shaheena explains this and more.
Disseminating Monkeypox Research by Daniella Maritan-Thomson (and Katherine Bosworth)
Monkeypox dominated the headlines in the early 2020s. However, what’s behind this disease and how we access information about it? Furthermore, we need to establish the undeniable truths about monkeypox. Notably, Danni found it important to highlight this article in the Blog Team Update.
Climate Justice in the Context of the Global South by Nat Kelly
For open access week, Nat looks at the ‘Global South’, consisting of Latin America, Asia, Africa, and Oceania. In terms of research, we need to find out how climate issues are affecting these nations. To begin, Nat looks at the state of several different countries around the world and how they’re coping with environmental issues.
Peer Review Week 2022 by D.J. McPhee
Next in the Blog Team Update, D.J. introduces Peer Review Week at MDPI. He provides information about other articles in the peer review week series, which are full of advice and guidance on peer review. This article also explains how peer review makes research more transparent. In particular, it details what each individual is responsible for in the peer review process.
Research Reveals New Health Benefits of Broccoli by Katherine Bosworth
Here’s something you probably didn’t know about cruciferous vegetables. Notably, they contain compounds that can help to heal wounds in a unique way. In the article, Katherine explains exactly how this works. In addition, she goes into further depth on how broccoli and related vegetables can further improve health.
MDPI Blog Team Update: Campaigns
Over the past six months, we’ve published three content campaigns, with a mission to inform our readers and promote these topics.
Peer Review Week
Peer Review Week, celebrated around the world in academic circles, takes place annually in September. At MDPI, we know that peer review is key to the publication process and maintaining the quality of research. To this end, we put together a series of articles to explain how peer review works, and what its benefits are.
Open Access Week
International Open Access Week is a week-long event with a different theme each year. This year, the theme was climate justice. In sum, climate justice is an important topic that has had an impact on our world. This is why we’ve chosen to highlight it for this Blog Team Update. Furthermore, research on this topic has great potential to change government policy and therefore change the way we live.
Early Career Researcher Month
At the end of November, we banded together to create a campaign to educate and support those who are new to academia. Early Career Researcher Week represents an excellent opportunity to learn more about career directions and opportunities. We set this week up as a way to promote opportunities for ECRs.
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