Entropy 2018: From Physics to Information Sciences and Geometry
More than 160 participants from 35 countries attended the Entropy 2018: From Physics to Information Sciences and Geometry conference, which took place from 14 to 16 May 2018 in Barcelona and consisted of 58 talks spread across six sessions, along with almost 100 posters. It was the first edition of this international, multidisciplinary conference organized by MDPI and sponsored by the journal Entropy.
The conference was chaired by Prof. Dr. Ali Mohammad-Djafari and Prof. Dr. Miguel Rubi, and attracted exceptional scholars from all around the globe. Some of the talks explored very specific topics, while others raised more discussion or reported interesting results. We had the pleasure of listening to some great speakers, such as Prof. Dr. Ariel Caticha from the University of Albany, Prof. Dr. Frédéric Barbaresco from the Thales Group, and Prof. Dr. Dick Bedeaux from NTNU.
20th anniversary of Entropy
During the conference, Entropy celebrated its 20th anniversary with a cake that the journal’s editors shared with the attendees. There was a friendly atmosphere in the networking sessions throughout the conference and we look forward to productive collaborations arising from these opportunities.
To celebrate its anniversary, Entropy also offered two travel awards for PhD students to attend this conference. These were granted to Carlos Granero Belinchon (Université Claude Bernard Lyon) and Peishi Jiang (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign). The winner of the Entropy Young Investigator Award was also announced during the conference and was granted to Dr. Nicolai Friis (Austrian Academy of Sciences), who delivered a presentation entitled “Gaussian Operations for Work Extraction and Storage”.
All abstracts from the Entropy 2018 can be found on the conference homepage. Participants are cordially invited to contribute a full manuscript to the Entropy Special Issue “Entropy: From Physics to Information Sciences and Geometry“.