Submission Q&A with question marks in the background. Everything you need to know about submitting your manuscript.

Manuscript Submission Q&A

We understand that writing, preparing, and submitting a manuscript can be tricky. If you’re thinking about submitting your research to MDPI, you most likely have specific submission questions.

We’re here to make the submission process as simple as possible. This short guide will provide you with answers to the most frequently asked questions.

You can find even more information in our article on the MDPI submission process.
Reach out to us if you have further questions or leave us a comment below!

What’s the difference between a Special Issue manuscript and a regular manuscript?

Special Issues are actually part of regular issues.

Special Issues cover highly specific themes within the wider topic of a regular issue. These Special Issue papers appear all together on a designated webpage for the Special Issue. This allows readers to easily access related studies.

Both Special Issue papers and regular papers are published shortly after acceptance.

Why do different journals have different APCs?

We aim for all our journals to cover their publishing costs.

However, we recognize that authors are not always willing to pay as much to publish in newer journals. Academics in certain subject areas also find it difficult to source funds. These areas include the social sciences and humanities.

Therefore, we set a price that balances the cost of maintaining the journal, the editorial process, and production with the ability and willingness of authors to pay. Our aim is to offer authors value for money.

Does every published manuscript have a doi number?

Yes! Each MDPI paper has its own unique digital object identifier (doi) number. This is used by indexing databases and similar services.

MDPI is a member of Crossref, an agency that issues doi numbers.

How do I submit a proposal for a Special Issue paper?

Both potential authors and potential guest editors can propose Special Issue papers. Simply email the proposal to the Managing Editor of the journal. You can find their details on the journal webpage. Click ‘Editorial Office’ in the left-hand navigation menu.

The Managing Editor will then check the suitability of your proposal.

Please note that we cannot guarantee the final paper will be published.

I accidentally uploaded the wrong version of my manuscript. What should I do?

Firstly, don’t panic. These things happen.

As soon as you notice that you’ve sent the wrong version, reach out to the Assistant Editor assigned to your manuscript. They will handle the situation and update the manuscript across the publication journey.

Once you’ve submitted your manuscript, your manuscript will be pre-checked, and then sent for peer review! For more information about the overall submission timeline, take a look at our article on what your MDPI manuscript status means.

Perhaps you also have questions about peer review, and how your manuscript will be assessed.

Our article on reviewing your manuscript will help to clear up any concerns you may have.

Article originally published by Martyn Rittman in November 2015.

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