Spotlight on Clocks & Sleep
This week, we will take a look at MDPI’s Clocks & Sleep. This journal publishes fascinating research surrounding all themes of sleep and biological rhythms in organisms
This includes high-quality research exploring the behavioural, biological, neurological and epidemiological aspects of topics such as sleep disorders and circadian rhythms.
A History of Clocks & Sleep
Clocks & Sleep is a novel journal with its first quarterly issue released in 2019. By 2020, the journal was quickly indexed in Scopus and PubMed (NLM), and then in Web of Science in 2021.
Exciting additions to Clocks & Sleep
Due to the numerous exciting avenues and topics in sleep science, the journal has established a range of sections highlighting the most novel and relevant current research.
The sections explore a vast array of sub-topics to encapsulate the expansive field of sleep research and sleep medicine.
Society: Covers the impact of societal factors on sleep, including social and economic disparities, and cultural differences.
Human basic research and neuroimaging: Explores key research surrounding basic research (including immunology, psychology, molecular biology, and neurobiology) and neuroimaging techniques used for sleep.
Computational models: This section covers research exploring a broad range of sleep models, including biomathematical and statistical models, simulations, oscillations, and predictive models.
Impact of light: Covers the impact of light on all aspects of sleep. This includes light sensitivity, the circadian rhythm, the role of light plays in sleep disorders and light and public health.
The sections are continuously adapted, developing a robust landscape of reviews, articles, and meta-analyses on sleep research.
Growth and Milestones
As of 2019, Prof. Dr. Christian Cajochen, head of the centre of chronobiology (Basel), and Prof. Dr. Paul Franken, associate professor at Stanford University, were appointed as editors-in-chief.
The journal currently holds an impact factor of 3.1 and has formed affiliations with numerous international societies. This includes the Australian Chronobiology Society, Society for Light Treatment and Biological Rhythms and the Swiss Society of Sleep Research, Sleep Medicine and Chronobiology.
Want to learn more about the journal?
Clocks & Sleep is an international, peer-reviewed, and open-access journal publishing works and research from the field of sleep science. The journal is published semi-monthly online by MDPI. For more information, please see the journal’s page.
Thinking of submitting your manuscript to Clocks & Sleep?
The journal is committed to publishing innovative and quality research. Authors thinking of submitting manuscripts to the journal can access the list of requirements for submission on the webpage. Clocks & Sleep is dedicated to ensuring research integrity and high-quality manuscripts.
Authors are encouraged to read the submission instructions specific to each journal prior to submission. Authors looking to publish their work in Clocks & Sleep can submit manuscripts online at susy.mdpi.com. Templates for articles are provided here in both LaTeX and Microsoft Word formats. In case you are unsure, the submitting author is generally the corresponding author and is responsible for the manuscript during the submission and peer-review process. To submit your manuscript, register and login to the submission website.
Then, once you have registered, click here to go to the submission form. All co-authors can see the manuscript details here. To do so, they must register and log in using the same e-mail address used for manuscript submission.
Future research
Clocks & Sleep is always looking to publish novel research across all aspects of oncology For a more extensive list of research topics and sections, have a look through the journal’s About section. Clocks & Sleep continuously strives to publish innovative and high-quality work dedicated to the field of cancer research.