Reviewing Your Manuscript Q&A
Once you’ve submitted your manuscript, it will be pre-checked, and then sent for review.
The reviewing stage is important to journal integrity. Your work will be read and rated by a few academics from your field. Based on their advice, your manuscript may be accepted, returned for minor or major corrections, or rejected.
We answer some of the most frequently asked questions about the review stage below.
Make sure to leave a comment if your question isn’t answered here!
Are excluded reviewers invited for peer review?
Sometimes, you might want to exclude a reviewer, for various reasons. We will of course respect your choice wherever possible.
However, please note that we do reserve the right to invite excluded reviewers. We will only invite them in very exceptional circumstances.
Is there any difference between reports from reviewers recommended by the authors and reviewers recommended by an MDPI internal editor?
The reports are treated in exactly the same way. We always try to obtain at least one review report from a reviewer not recommended by the authors.
What is the purpose of recommending reviewers when submitting a manuscript?
As an author, you are an expert in your field. Chances are, you probably know many suitable potential reviewers.
MDPI always carries out a thorough assessment of all reviewers, recommended by authors or not.
Can authors access review reports as soon as they are received (even before a decision is made)?
To save you time and effort, we only provide review reports after receiving all reports and making a decision.
There’s always the possibility that a review report could be deemed unsuitable, or that the paper could be rejected. By this time, you may have already started writing responses. This is why we do not pass on the reports until we have all of the information. We want to save our busy authors time and hassle.
The Assistant Editor assigned to your manuscript will also remove any comments that disclose reviewers’ identities.
Can an external editor reject a submission even if all reviewer comments are positive?
Reviewers usually make recommendations on a manuscript. They suggest whether or not a paper should be accepted.
But the Academic Editor makes the final decision. They read the paper and the review reports.
The Academic Editor could:
- Accept or reject a manuscript with positive reviewer comments
- Accept or reject a manuscript with negative reviewer comments
They will provide a reason for their decision. Authors can also request a more thorough explanation if they do not understand.
Can reviewers see other reviewers’ comments?
Yes, but only after they have submitted their own reports. Reviewers can also choose to hide their comments from other reviewers.
How do you deal with conflicting review reports—one which says the English is fine, and another that says extensive English editing is required?
MDPI edits all accepted manuscripts for English. This is usually included in the journal APC.
However, in a small number of cases, we do charge an additional fee for extensive English editing. Take a look at our help page on Article Processing Charges.
If you are unsure about this, please contact the Assistant Editor assigned to your manuscript.
My paper has been stuck on a single status for a long time, what should I do?
MDPI journals have extremely efficient procedures. Manuscripts pass through each process promptly.
However, there are unusual exceptions. Of the thousands of papers published each year, a few take slightly longer for a number of reasons. A paper might stall at the peer review stage, because the reviewer requests more time. Or, the Assistant Editor assigned to the manuscript may have a heavy workload for a number of days.
We previously published an article on the different statuses and the typical estimated durations.
If you have questions, please don’t hesitate to contact the journal’s Editorial Office directly.
Why has my paper been rejected?
You can find feedback on the submission system, SuSy. It should be attached to the manuscript.
Manuscripts are rejected for a number of reasons, including, but not limited to:
- The scientific reasoning is flawed
- The manuscript lacks originality
- There are deep-rooted structural problems
Authors sometimes receive a rejection but are invited to resubmit. This is because the paper does need major improvements, but it has a good premise.
If you’re invited to resubmit, invest time in improving the manuscript before resubmission. Make sure you resubmit to the recommended journal or Special Issue. This may be different to your first submission.
No APC is required when a paper is rejected.
The publishing process is key to our operations. We take great care to publish manuscripts efficiently and successfully. Authors are central to MDPI’s journals and we therefore want them to be comfortable and confident about their submissions.
If you have a question, please share it in the comments section.
You can also contact the journal’s Editorial Office. They are always on hand to answer queries.
Article originally published by Martyn Rittman in November 2015.
Hello, I submitted an article on December 13, 2025 and so far no response.
Please reach out to the editorial office directly. The journal will respond in due course. Thanks for your patience.
All the best.
I am expereincing a delay. Since past 4 days the status is ‘pending editor decision’. However, i can see on the portal the duration for submission to first decision is shown as 28 days. now, it is over 32 days but we have not received the first decision neither an acceptance or rejection. What is the issue here?
Hello Om,
We are unable to provide you with any information as we do not have access to your file. Please contact the assistant editor handing your manuscript for further details. Please note that there can be any number of reasons for a delay, the journal should be able to provide you with further details.
Hello, I submitted my paper to the Applied Sciences journal on November 4th, 2023. The status of my submission is currently “pending review.” I noticed yesterday that the Applied Sciences and MDPI logos were added to both the Word and PDF files that I submitted, and the phrase “Appl. Sci. 2023, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW” was also included.
I am wondering if my paper has been reviewed by the editor and sent to the reviewers, or if it is still waiting for review. Can you please guide me on this matter?
Good day,
It sounds like layout may have been done to the file, but you will need to contact the editorial office for further information on this matter as we do not have access to your files. Hope this helps.
Hi, I sent a manuscript on the special issue of sustainability with manuscript ID: sustainability-2697313. The status says under review.
After viewing in Manuscript Information Overview, on the decision editor section:
I was asked to clarify several sentences that the editor felt were contradictory before sending them for peer review. The editor’s request has been addressed and improvements have been made. How should I send the corrected manuscript? Do I have to follow the new submission process or via email? If via email, where should it be addressed? Thanks
Hello Irkham,
The email notifying you of the needed changes should have also included instructions for resubmission. If you have not received instructions, please contact the Assistant Editor handling your manuscript, or the journal directly. Hope this helps.
I have been invited to review manuscripts several times and have obtained several reviewer vouchers as a result. Additionally, I have also received an invited voucher. When submitting an article, can I utilize both the invited vouchers and reviewer vouchers simultaneously?
Looking forward to your reply.
Thank you very much.
Hello Qian,
Please contact the journal you are submitting to or review the voucher information. Unfortunately we do not have access to billing/invoicing information and cannot assist you in this matter beyond what is described in the article. Hope this helps.
Hello MDPI team,
I submitted a paper to IJMS(ijms-2550780) on July 25th, and on July 27th, I received a comment from the editor stating that they are not sure that the information provided in the manuscript is enough to justify publication in the journal. However, the paper is currently “under review,” and I have not received any email stating that it has been rejected. Does this mean my paper has been rejected, or is it still under review?
Haivin Kim.
Hello Haivin,
If you have not received an email notifying you that the paper has been rejected, and the status is “under review”, your paper is under review. Hope this helps.
Can we transfer our vouchers (that we got for our reviews) to another researcher to use for him/her article on MDPI?
Hello John,
To my knowledge, this is not possible. However, you can reach out to the journal in question to see if they are willing to do so.
I have an article submitted to Diversity (diversity-2398158) that has been in ‘Pending Decision’ status since May 22nd. Neither the assistant editor nor the editorial office is replying to my emails.
What do you recommend?
I do understand that some people may be busy with their own research but this situation is getting really annoying and stressful considering that there is a more than a month of delays in our manuscript!
best regards,
Hello Maria,
You can find the contact information for the journal as well as that of journal relations at the following link. It is possible that they have missed your email, so I would encourage you to reach out to them again. If you don’t hear back from them, please let us know and we’ll see if there is anything we can do. Unfortunately we do not have access to their systems and are unable to give you specific details at this time. Hope this helps.
No reply to any of the letters for a month. Our manuscript agronomy-2539306 is in status Pending decision with 21 August 2023. Please advise the decision.
Hello Vladimir,
Unfortunately we cannot provide you with details about decisions as we do not have access to the journal’s files. Please contact the journal directly at agronomy@mdpi.com, and they should be able to provide you with more details on the decision. Please note that there can be numerous reasons for a delay in decisions, but the journal will be able to address that for you. Hope this helps.
Hi! I submitted a paper to an MDPI journal and now I received it back for review. The statements of one of the reviewers are wrong and impossible to accept. What do you advise me to do? Should I write to the Editor (Designated Editor or Special Volume Editor?) first (presenting the proofs) or reply directly to this reviewer, in the web form from Susy?
Thank you!
Hi May, thank you for getting in touch.
I understand that you are having issues with review reports. Please get in touch with the Editorial Office, they will be able to advise you.
Dear Katherine,
Many thanks for taking the time to address my query. My research group submitted our revised manuscript on 24/04/2023 to Nutrients (manuscript ID: nutrients-2315673), and the manuscript status is still pending the editor’s decision (5 working days after submission). I have contacted the assistant editor handling this manuscript, but the same answers were given; we have contacted and sent reminders multiple times to the academic editor. Unfortunately, the academic editor has yet to respond to our requests. The whole submission process has taken more than one and a half months, but my research group is still waiting for a complete closure to our manuscript submission process. I sincerely hope you can assist me with this so that the other authors and I can decide on what is the best way forward for this manuscript submission. Many thanks, and I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Good day Irfan,
I’ve reached out to the editorial office and asked them to contact you. Please note that we do not have access to that information and are not able to assist you further in this matter. I hope that the delay is resolved soon.
May I know how many days the journal takes to make the published manuscript appears in WOS and Scopus?
Thank you.
Hi Wed, thank you for the comment.
Papers are indexed 4-8 weeks after the issue release date.
If three reviewers agree with manuscript and one reviewer disagrees with authors. What will be the decision of editorial office
Hello Magsi,
Decisions are generally made based on a number of different factors. You would need to be in touch with the editorial office for specific information on any given decision. Please note that we are not connected to journals and cannot provide this information for you. Good luck!
I am writing about Manuscript ID: applsci-2294286, which had been rejected recently. I am trying to understand the actual reason. I had already sent an email about it. But there has been no reply. That’s why I wanted to describe here.
– The manuscript was submitted on March 5th.
– After 14 days, the first decision was made. It was a major revision. (Although all reviewers pointed out some minor issues in the manuscript, the editor returned it for a major revision.)
– All concerns were addressed and met according to reviewers’ recommendations. The revised version was submitted on March 18.
– Reviewer 1 recommended the manuscript for publication on the same day with five stars after submitting the revised version (round 2). Most of the recommendations were made by Reviewer 1. While reviewer 2 claimed the recommendations were minor concerns, reviewer 3 directly recommended publication after a check on abbreviations.
– After the first reviewer submitted his/her decision for round 2, the manuscript was immediately held in “pending for editor’s decision” mode. And It’s been the same mode for a month. Then, it was rejected a month later with a final decision by the academic editor.
So, I asked the reason. The section managing editor told me that the other two reviewers had no time for 2nd round. But honestly I do not think they were been asked for a round 2 review. Based on her description, It seems as if the manuscript was judged by one person (the academic editor), who sent it to peer review in the first place.
If the academic editor takes over the reviewers’ duty in this case, shouldn’t he/she have had to follow what the other two reviewers recommended and judge whether their recommendations were fulfilled? Also, the editor’s decision is very short for a month reviewing process, especially for an MDPI journal. If he/she would give a reject anyway, this should have done before sending the manuscript the reviewers not after months later.
So, I have been searching for my legal rights and obtions, but I just wanted to ask why the academic editor bothered to send it to peer review if he/she was negative about the manuscript from the start. This whole process was really disappointing.
Thank you for reading.
Hi Oğuzhan, thank you for the comment.
I encourage you to contact the Applied Sciences Journal Relations Team at jr-applsci@mdpi.com.
Please note that the MDPI Blog provides resources for scholars as well as a forum for discussion in the form of comment sections.
I emailed to the Editorial Manager of Specific issue keeping my professor in cc submitting short detail of our manuscript with other queries three days ago.
We did not get feedback from the respective person through email. It’s because the submission of manuscript depends on the reply I would like to know how long it can take to get response regarding the email sent. Emailed to Managing editor of Applied Mechanics and Fluids.
Hi Mahbubur, thank you for your enquiry.
I understand that you are waiting for a response, and I will look into this.
HiIsubmitted manuscript in mdpi applied ascience on 31/3/2023 but still the status is pending review.
Hi Umair, thanks for getting in touch.
Please note that this status takes 1-5 days on average. Take a look at our article “What Does My MDPI Manuscript Status Mean?” for more information.
If you find yourself waiting any longer than this, please get in touch with the MDPI Applied Sciences Editorial Office.
Hello Suresh
My reviwer application has been approved on 28 March 2023 in MDPI journals. However, the Reviewer Recruiting Program section is not active on my page. Can you help with.
Hi Mehmet, thanks for your message. You can contact the editorial office for an update on this, which can be found on the journal’s webpage under the “Editorial Office” tab in the journal menu.
Hi There i have requested to add another author in my paper. This author is my supervisor and have a significant contribution in my paper. I am trying to contact my editor but they are not responding me back from past 7 days. How I can solve this issue, I have cc the editor and all the relevant persons but facing same issue of unresponsiveness.
Hi Salman, thanks for getting in touch.
I’d like to look into this for you. Please could you let me know which journal you submitted to?
Please also be aware that once the paper has been accepted for publication, you cannot add or remove authors, with rare exceptions.
Dear MDPI-Team,
We submitted a manuscript in Cancers on 5th of January 2023 and received major revision from three reviewers after 16 days. After replying to all comments, we uploaded the revised version on 1st of feburary. On 13th of february, the three reports came back and the status is now pending decision. Since then, we have not heard anything from the Editor or the Assistant. What does that mean? Is the Editor recruiting a fourth reviewer? Or should we wait until the Editor reaches out to us? Since the upload of the revised version, three full weeks have passed and the status pending decision is shown since 13th of february.
Thanks in advance.
All the best,
Hi Dino,
There could be any number of reasons for this, we encourage you to reach out to the editorial office for further information as we do not have access to this information. Please be sure to let us know if you are having difficulties in receiving a reply from your Assistant Editor.
I submitted my manuscript and got rejected with encouragement for resubmissions.
I submitted my revised manuscript on January 6th to IJERPH and my status is “Under review”. When should I address the assistant editor with my concerns?
Thank you
Hi Hadar, thanks for the comment.
The first round of reviews usually takes around 2-3 weeks. I’d recommend getting in touch with the Editorial Office for an update.
I’ve been invited to review manuscripts a few times now, but I’ve noticed that I don’t always get a discount voucher. Is this related to my review? I noticed the phrase “timely and substantial comments”. If the editor doesn’t think I put much effort into the review i.e. the comments weren’t substantial enough, do they withhold a discount voucher?
Is there a minimum amount of words that I need to write in the review before a discount voucher is granted?
It seems a bit unfair since for some reviews I’ve written hundreds of words because they require many changes. However other documents are actually really good and require very little correction.
Hi Ben, thank you for the comment.
Discount vouchers are given based on the value (rather than number of words) of the review report, as determined by the Academic Editor.
I submit my paper to a special issue of the Sustainability (Manuscript ID: sustainability-2199004) at January 18.
The status of my submission is still “Pending review”.
I will be glad if you help.
Kind regards.
Hi Nizar, thanks for the comment.
Please could you get in touch with the Sustainability Editorial Office? They will be able to help and advise you on this matter.
Hi, Im Ratanyoo, the main author of a manuscript No.2195250. I have read that it take 1-5 days for pending review to be changed. It’s been 8 days from then that I submitted. I didn’t notice any change yet. could you check for me, thanks. I would greatly appreciate it if you could inform me so that I may address the issue. Additionally, if there is any rejection, please let me know.
Hi Ratanyoo, thanks for the comment.
Please do get in touch with the Editorial Office. They can provide you with an update and advise you on next steps.
hie I m reviewer of MDPI journal and reviewed almost 10 journal. During reviewing process, i got discount vouchers. But i am not sure, when i publish reserach paper on MDPI so in that case can i exchange that all vouchers in cash?
Hi Dutta. Thank you for getting in touch.
You can use the vouchers only to reduce the Article Processing Charge of an MDPI submission. They can’t be exchanged for cash.
Hi, I’m also encountering a similar question as Dler Osman did.
I’ve submitted my second round revision and the status is also stuck in Pending Review for nearly half-month.
We also had contacted the editorial two times, and they have replied as waiting for academic editor response.
I wonder if this is normal, since I’ve submitted MDPI several times, and this never happens before.
Manuscript ID: antioxidants-2064546
Hi Wen-Chi, thanks for the comment.
This stage usually takes 1-5 business days. However, it may take longer in some circumstances. For example, the Academic Editor may have a high workload.
You can keep up with your submission status by checking SuSy. We also have an article dedicated to manuscript statuses. You can find more information there about your paper’s status.
I would like to know why the assistant editor is asking for author’s CV before sending manuscript to the editor?
Hi Dang, thanks for the comment.
MDPI journals often ask for simple information about the author’s background; for example, a biography or a CV. This is only used internally, and is not shared.
For further details on this, please reach out to the Managing Editor or Publishing Manager of the journal.
Is it possible to add an author name after submission of a manuscript? We submitted our manuscript to MDPI plants two days ago and is now in ‘under review’ status. Thank you.
Hi Siva, thanks for getting in touch.
You can include additional authors at any time during revisions (before manuscript acceptance).
Hi, I have submitted a manuscript in drones,I received a major revision, Status is showing is revised version review for the last 5 days. After the submission of a revised version of the manuscript, How many chances will I get to improve my manuscript?
Hi Chandra, thanks for the comment!
You’ll have a couple more opportunities down the line. As an author, you will be given the chance to revise your manuscript after the second peer review. You will also be able to edit your manuscript at the proofreading stage.
In my paper three editors said that the paper has the novelty and have given some revisions. A paragraph was solely dedicated to explain novelty in my paper, but fourth editor (additional) came afterward and mentioned that he hasn’t found any innovation in the paper. How should I address it?
Hi Farjana, thank you for the comment.
You should address this by improving the paper in line with all reviewers’ revisions.
During the submission process of majaor revisions, I filled the information in the respective areas of the submission form to answer to reviewers comments. I submittet each response separatly and then I uploaded the revised version of our manuskript and clicked to submit the manuskript. At first a system error was shown and then the revised version of manuskript was submittet. I got the confirmation that “Manuscript Resubmitted” and then “Revised Version Received”. Still, there is no confirmation about recieving of responses to reviewers comments and I cannot see my answeres in system. How can I be sure that my answeres to reviewers were recieved correctly or get the confirmation about uploading the answeres to reviewer? Thank you a lot.
Hi Arina, thanks for the comment.
If the reviewers find any responses missing, then the editor assigned to your manuscript will be back in touch with you. However, you can still send a copy of your responses to the Editorial Office, just to make sure.
It’s been 39 days no answer yet. The status is still Pending Review.
We contacted the editorial two times no answer yet.
Manuscript ID: jtaer-1860463
Hi Dler, thank you for the comment. Sincere apologies for the delay.
This is highly unusual as this process normally takes 5 working days maximum.
I am following this up as a priority with the journal staff. I will keep you updated.
Dear MDPI team,
I am about to send a submission to Agronomy. I have already filled out Payer Information data sheet, but I am not allowed to move forward because the address I provided is not valid. At least, this the error message I keep recieving whatever form I write in the address. Do you have any idea why it does not allow me to take the next in the process?
Many thanks!
Hi Gabor, thanks for getting in touch.
Sorry to hear that you are having issues with this! Please get in touch with the journal’s Editorial Office. They will be able to update this for you manually.
Hello, we received the decision “minor revision” with two reviewers onboard and were given 5 days to re-submit. However, the assistant editor let us know that they are still recruiting reviewers. Could the decision minor revision be changed afterwards to major if a third reviewers requests so?
Thank you
Hello Amanda. Thank you for the comment.
It is entirely possible that the revisions could change to major. However, the revisions already provided will not change. You should start working on the revisions already provided by reviewers 1 and 2. If a third report is eventually provided, you can request more time to make the changes.
I got desk-rejected from a special issue in the Remote Sensing journal. Would it still be possible to submit to another special issue, which I believe is a better fit? Do I need to attach the manuscript ID of the previous submission, or is that not relevant?
Hello Ram,
Yes, it is possible. Please specify the previous manuscript ID upon submission.
Thank you!
If two reviewers have endorsed the publication of manuscript but third is not satisfied what will be the decision of Editor?
Hi Junaid. Thanks for the comment!
This depends on the nature of the reviewers’ comments. In this regard, each case is unique. Please reach out to the journal’s Editorial Office for further details.
I have a question.
I submitted a paper May 5, and got revision at May 27.
After 7 days of revision, I resubmitted the revised version at June 3.
The status changed to (1)revisied version review.
The 15 days were passed by, then the status turned to (2)editorial center -> (3)pending decision -> (4)pending editors decision -> (5) ??Revised version review (Current status).
Im curious about this process. The time after the revised version submission were 21 days (now, June 24).
I dont know why the revised version review came again to my status of subission.
Is this normal? or is it have a problem to our paper?
Thank you for the kindness.
Hi John. Thank you for the comment.
I understand your concern. However, please be advised that your paper is being processed and all is well. The ‘Revised version review’ status is likely the result of a change in the peer reviewer’s schedule. This happens from time to time, as reviewers may be busy during certain time periods.
Please reach out to the Editorial Office of the journal for more details. You can find their information on the journal webpage. Click “Editorial Office” on the left-hand navigation menu.
I’ve got twice revisions (1st reviewer : major revision -> major revision, 2nd reviewer: major revision -> publish)
After 2nd revision, the status showed “Pending editor decision” (2022-6-10)
Since then, there has been no change in condition.
What is the matter?
Doesn’t this mean “reject”?
Hi Lingo, thank you for the comment.
This stage means that the Academic Editor is making a final decision about your manuscript. This decision will be based on the peer review process.
Usually, this takes 1-2 working days. However, please keep in mind that this depends on the Academic Editor’s workload and availability. It can take a bit longer in some cases.
Good morning,
Just wanted to check, once a paper passes on to ‘Under Review’ stage, does it mean that the paper has passed the pre-check status in terms of suitability and scope for the journal?
Hello Narendren. Thank you for the comment!
Yes, that’s right. At the ‘Under review’ stage, the paper has passed pre-check and is being peer-reviewed. After this, the paper will be assessed by the Academic Editor based on the peer reviewers’ feedback.
what is “The email addresses belong to the same author” when i submitted Manuscript
How long it took to get the decision after submitting the revision. My manuscript status is showing “revised version review “. The manuscript status remains unchanged for one month. Should I contact with the Journal or wait ?
Hi Ahmed, thanks for the comment!
Your paper is now being peer-reviewed for a second time (second round review). This process usually takes three working days. I’m so sorry that you have been waiting so long on this occasion. The reviewing time is dependent on the reviewers’ schedules and sometimes they require more time.
I would encourage you to reach out to the Editorial Office for an update. You can find their details on the left-hand side of the journal’s webpage.
Please don’t hesitate to get back in touch if you encounter further issues.
most MDPI journals say “at least two reviewers” are assessing the manuscript. What or who decides whether two or for example three reviewers are allocated to the manuscript?
Best regards,
Hi ES, thanks for the comment!
The Assistant Editor seeks to find 2-3 reviewers to assess each manuscript. This depends on a range of factors; mostly the availability of expert reviewers in the field.
I submit a manuscript one day late after the closing date of a special issue in IJMS. Can it be a problem? Now it has been 4 days after the submission and I have not heard anything of it. Thank you very much for a short feedback on it.
Hi ED, thank you for the comment.
Please could you contact the IJMS Editorial Office? You can find their details here: https://www.mdpi.com/journal/ijms/editorial_office
They will be able to advise you on your manuscript and its status.
Dears, after uploading a wrong response to reviewers, is there any possibilities to upload it again?
Kind regards
Hi Nemanja, thanks for the comment.
In this case, you will need to contact the Assistant Editor assigned to your paper with your new reviewer response. They will update this on the system for you.
What si the meaning of status “Revised version review”
Hi Manoj. Thanks for the comment.
The paper has been sent for a second round of reviews.
Thanks, Katherine,
It’s been 16 days no answer yet. The status is still Pending Review. We Only received resubmitted and are not sure why. We contacted the editorial many times no answer yet. Manuscript ID: pharmaceutics-1698328
Would you please double-check with the editor regarding the progress of our manuscrirpt?
Thanks and best regards,.
Hi Abdullah, sorry to hear that you’re still having trouble.
I reached out to the Editorial Office and they responded to me promptly. I will follow up with you via email about this. Please keep in touch.
Dear all
We published with MDPI many times in different journals becuase of the rapid publication. This time we invited to publish a reserarch article in Pharmacutics Journal. It is been 8 days the status is pending review ans is not sign to editor yet. Try to contact the journal and editor no one answer yet. Just wondering are there any issue in the journal.
Hi Abdullah,
Thank you for your comment, and thank you for your authorship! This stage usually takes 1-5 business days. If you have been waiting for longer than this, please contact the Editorial Office. You can find details on the left-hand menu on the journal’s webpage.
I would like to ask for an expedited peer review process and if there is an extra charge for this.
The journal submitted is of high importance as there is an academic dependence on it.
Hi moon. Thank you for the comment.
One of our core values at MDPI is the speed at which we publish. Because we maintain a very quick publishing service, we do not offer expedited peer review.
Hello, I am writing regarding a query for manuscript ID life-1598802. We have not received specific comments for Round 2 (for the revised manuscript), yet it was rejected. Is there a way of knowing what specific corrections are expected of us?
Hi Shayontani, thank you for your comment! Please find a response above.
Hello, I have a question. We recently submitted a review article to the special issue in Life (Biology of Microalgae and Cyanobacteria and Their Biotechnological Potential). The Round 1 reviews suggested major revisions, which we performed accordingly and resubmitted along with replies to Reviewer Comments. However, the revised version of the article has been rejected (with encouragement to resubmit) without any specific reviews, mentioning only the editors’ decision “Even after the first round of review, the manuscript still doesn’t have merit for publication. My recommendation is to reject it with the possibility to resubmit, which will allow authors the necessary time to significantly improve their proposal.” This differs significantly from the Reviewer 2 and Reviewer 3 reports, and we are unsure of what modifications are expected for this article. It would be of great help if we could have access to the specific reviewer comments. The manuscript ID is life-1598802.
Hi Shayontani. Thank you for your comment.
Sorry to hear that you are having trouble. We are grateful for your authorship and encourage you to resubmit. We also recommend that you use the Round 1 comments from the reviewers to improve your manuscript before you do resubmit.
If you have any further questions or issues, please feel free to contact the Life Editorial Office. They will be able to advise you.
My manuscript is under pending review and i have not been assigned any editor to communicate yet. it has been 4 days. In addition, i found that I failed to download our article manuscript but the one belonging to someone else with the link “Manuscript File” and “PDF File” in the page Manuscript Information Overview.
In additon, the ID is water-1656746
Hi ganggang,
Thank you for the comment. I am sorry to hear that you are having trouble with the submission process. If you have submitted the wrong manuscript by mistake, you are welcome to resubmit your manuscript.
Please do reach out to the Editorial Office for the next steps.
Dear MDPI team,
I sent a revised version of my manuscript on 6th March addressing all comments raised by reviewers. I checked status of manuscript in website. It still pending editor decision since last week. Could you please let me know when and how long does it take to have updated status for my manuscript after pending editor decision?
Thanks a lot for your great help and support.
Hi Ahmed,
Thank you for your comment and for your authorship!
This stage may take a bit longer depending on the editor’s schedule. Please could you contact the journal’s Editorial Office? They will be able to provide more information about the situation.
I am willing to become a reviewer for 2 or 3 MDPI journals. Right know, I can afford reviewing 2 per months, however, in about half a year, I would like to change this rate to maybe half. Is this possible?
Thank you in advance for your response!
Hi Melania. Thank you for your comment, and thank you for being an MDPI reviewer!
Please contact the Editorial Office of the journal. They will be able to help you with this. You can find their details by visiting the journal’s webpage and clicking ‘Editorial Office’ from the left-hand menu.
Dear MDPI team
Thanks for providing such a useful platform
How long does is it take for the status” pending editor decision”, the paper was submitted to energies journal?
Hi Mokhtar. Thank you for the comment.
‘Pending editor decision’ means that the Academic Editor is making a final decision about the paper. This may take time due to several different factors, including the Academic Editor’s schedule.
If you find yourself waiting, you could email the Assistant Editor assigned to your paper for more information.
I submitted a manuscript on dec. 28th, today it is Mon. Jan 2nd and the status is still “Pending review” and I haven’t been contacted. I have sent 2 emails and got no answer though. How is that possible? How can that be explained?
Hi Moha. Thank you for the comment.
Sorry to hear that you are having trouble with this.
In this case, we recommend getting in touch with the Publishing Manager. You will be able to find their details on the journal webpage.
Click ‘Editorial Office’ on the left-hand menu.
I have submitted my paper that is in under review phase. its been 21 days my paper is still in under review phase?
Hi Salman,
Thank you for the comment.
‘Under review’ means that the paper is in the process of being peer-reviewed. The speed is dependent on external factors, such as the availability of reviewers.
In this case, we suggest that you contact the Assistant Editor for more information.
My manuscript is under pending review and I have not been assigned any editor to communicate yet. It’s been 11 days.
What can be the possible reason?
That is very strange. Please write an email to the editorial office and cc the publishing manager.
Hello Facundo Santomé,
I am wondering if you can possibly answer my question regarding the status of the manuscript.
I submitted my manuscript on April 26th and I got the major revision in the first round and “accept after minor revision” in the second round.
After submitting the minor revision, the statutes changed to the pending editorial decision for 1 month. All of the sudden the statues changed to the revised version review from yesterday. I am not sure what happened with my manuscript! Is it common to change the statutes to the revised version review after the pending editorial decision? what should I expect from the journal and how long should I wait for that?
Hello Mohsen,
Thank you for getting in touch. It is possible that the manuscript was sent back to the reviewers for a final check. In any case, we suggest you contact the assistant editor assigned to your manuscript for further information.
Best regards,
MDPI team
My question is about serving as guest editor.
My colleague and I would like to serve as co-guest editors for one of your journals. I was wondering:
1- if we can initiate an issue together, I mean my colleague and I?
2- who is managing special issues? Should we directly send our request to Chief Editor or someone?
3- whether a proposal is needed to be sent for initial editorial assessments? Does your journals have specific templates? If yes, please let me know where I can download?
Hello Massoud,
Thank you for getting in touch and for your interest in editing a special issue. You can send your proposal to the journal’s editors via a form on the special issues webpage (top left), i.e., https://www.mdpi.com/journal/molecules/special_issues -> https://www.mdpi.com/journalproposal/sendproposalspecialissue/molecules
Best regards,
Dear MDPI team
I would like to ask how long does a resived version review takes? As I had a manuscript with a status of pending major revision in the first round and I had submitted the revised version since 7 of May.
And I wonder if the present disappearance of the reviewers’ tab and thier( round 1) comments from my manuscript information overview is normal ?
Many thanks in advance
Hello, thank you for getting in touch. That step might take around two weeks. I suggest checking with the assistant editor for precise details.
Does “under review” suggests that the paper has passed the checked by the academic editor and internal editors? Thanks
yes, it means the article is being peer-reviewed.
Hi, I submitted my manuscript to a SI for which I’m serving as guest editor last April, 29th, 2021. Its status is “pending review” and I’ve been not contacted by any AE yet. Is this normal? How long does this stage take normally? Thanks for your reply. Kind regards
Hello, it might take a few days until your manuscript is finally assigned to an assistant editor. If it is not assigned yet I recommend to get in contact with the editorial office.
MDPI team
hello, this is happening to me now. May I know how did you deal with this issue?
thanks dear.
Hi! My manuscript has been in “pending conversion” status for a day now. How long does it usually take for it to be finalized?
Hello, it should take no longer than 48 hours. 🙂
Hello. I just want to know, if my paper is accepted today, how long does it take for it to be published?
It usually takes around one week.
I submitted my manuscript two days ago, but it is still in the state of peer review. Due to some grammatical problems in my cover letter, I resubmitted the cover letter to the editorial department but received no reply.
Hello, you will probably receive a response very soon. If that does not happen then I suggest to contact the editorial office (cc the managing editor).
best regards,
I submitted my manuscript last manusript last March 19. The status has shifted from pending review to under review. However, it has been 24 days and the status has not changed. From the journal page the submission to first decision is 14 days. Any help?
Hello Marsha,
The timing reflected on the journal page is average, but each article is different and depends on the availability of reviewers and academic editors to evaluate the manuscript.
Best regards,
I have submitted my manuscript 2 days ago and status is under pending review, and I haven’t been contacted by any assistant editor. I want to know how long it takes to the next stage?
Hello! It should not take much longer. If after 2 more days the status remains the same please contact the editorial office.
Best regards,
What is the next step/status after “under review”? And how long does it usually take to complete the review process?
Hello! The next step is that the reports are sent to you for revision. It usually takes between 2-3 weeks until we get at least two review reports.
Best regards,
Hi our paper submitted to a special issue then passed major then minor revisions but now the guest editor decided to shift it outside the special issue, I do not know the review process will start from zero or what
Hello! The peer review process will not start from zero. The reports will be probably sent to another academic editor to evaluate its suitability for publication.
Hi. I just wanna know if weekends are counted on the average day of submission to first decission.
Yes, they are. 🙂
Hello Dear MDPI team,
I have submitted my manuscript 2 days ago (No. ijms-1175489) and status is under pending review but i have not been assigned any editor to communicate yet.
On the day of submission, we realized that we had chosen an inappropriate special issue. We have contacted the editorial office (ijms@mdpi.com) twice asking how to solve (Should we resubmit the manuscript? Or maybe you could help modify the information in your system?), but no response by now.
What can be the possible reason?
Hello, the assistant editor assigned to your manuscript will help you relocate it.
Best regards,
Hello Dear MDPI Team.
I have been sent the revised manuscript on 7 March and still pending editor decision.
How much time does the Editor usually take to give the final decision?
Hello Salah,
That depends on the availability of the academic editor that needs to make the decision.
The status of my manuscript on the second day after submission is “under r”, what is mean by it?
Hello! It means it has been sent for peer review.
Hello MDPI Team.
My manuscript was published, however, I noticed an error in the citation of a co-author in the PDF, which procedure to perform for the correction?
Hello, please contact the assistant editor assigned to your manuscript. She/he will guide you.
Best regards,
I have submitted my manuscript 2 days ago and status is under pending review but i have not been assigned any editor to communicate yet. What can be the possible reason?
Hello, have you been contacted by an assistant editor already?
Hello MDPI Team:
A few days ago, I submitted and paper. After major revisions that were answered correctly, it passed to the “Pending editor decision” state the same day that the answers were sent. However, its status continues showing “Pending editor decision” four days later.
How much time does the Editor usually take to give the final decision?
Is the described situation normal after the quick change to “Pending editor decision” after submitting the answers to the major revisions?
Thank you so much for your attention
Hello Lucas,
Yes, that is normal. The paper is now being evaluated by the academic editor. We hope we can provide a final decision soon.
Best regards,
My manuscript is under pending review and i have not been assigned any editor to communicate yet. its been 2 days .
What can be the possible reason?
That’s strange. Could you please provide your manuscript ID so we can check internally?
Dear MDPI Team,
I am currently doing English Editing using the services of MDPI. My manuscript is in the last revision to the grammar issue. I have paid for the service on February 22, 2021. The process is two days and should be February 24, 2021, has ended. However, I have not received a reply from the MDPI English Editing team, and I see the status is “pending”, and the status of the manuscript is English Pre-editing. Thanks
Have you heard back from the English editing team already? If not, let us know your ID so we can check it.
I got an article set in peer review in Universe, on February 6. In round one ,I got two reviews, one very bad and one very good
My assistant editor arranged for an additional reviewer to enter, with a third review report
This was of February 17 or so
Since then the manuscript is stuck in Pending decision
Assistant editors have a very hard time at it, and I tried to not bother my assistant editor with nonsense
What I am bothered by is that my manuscript is stuck with “decision pending” day after day
I am inclined to write my assistant editor this Friday to ask for clarification
Or is this out in left field and I should just shut up and wait ? I think the Pending decision means an academic editor has to make a final call.
Or again, am I missing the point ?
Yes, that’s correct. Your article is being evaluated by an academic editor and they will provide you with a response soon. However, please do not hesitate to ask your assistant editor for more information, they will be happy to provide it.
Best regards,
Hello MDPI team
I want to know that how we can withdraw our submitted manuscript. the current status of manuscript is pending review.
Hello, you can withdraw your manuscript by contacting the assistant editor that is assigned to it.
We have submitted to Molecules with an average time to decision of 12 days. But our manuscript is under review for 30 days. Why this ? Thank you
Hello! Yes, that’s the average time, however, each case is different. Your article is probably under evaluation by reviewers. You may refer to the assistant editor to get more information on the exact status of your manuscript.
Hello Mdpi team
Does the first decision comes within 15 days as written on Sustainability’s home page?
Also, if there are no revisions or minor revisions, then can paper be published within a week, after author sends back the paper after doing revision?
That’s correct, but please take it as an orientation, each case is different.
After the Third round review first, two are major and the third is minor now my stats shows Pending editor decision since last three days . How long it takes the final result ?
Hello Riaz, it should not take much longer. It usually takes less than one.
Best regards,
Dear MDPI team
The result of the first round of peer review was ‘major revision’ and the result of the second round was ‘minor revision’ and all reviewers report form is “YES (x)” Currently, my revised manuscript is in the ‘Pending Decision (almost 3 days)’ As the second round was completed rapidly, I assumed the ‘Pending Decision’ would be rapid too. Usually how long does it take for ‘Pending Editor Decision’? I am really worrying! How many days after I can request from assistant editor to update us?
The decision is made by an external academic editor that evaluates the article and reviewers’ reports. She/he might be busy, but I am sure will provide a final decision soon. You can request information from your assistant editor at any time.
Dear MDPI team
How many days after we sent the proofread version to be published In Sustainability?
That usually takes some days, please note that it may take longer due to the festive season.
Dear MDPI team,
May I know what does it mean by pending conversion?
hi! It means that the final version of the article in all formats will be available soon.
Is it possible to be accepted and published a manuscript in 15 days? If the first decision of minor revisions is in 7 days for Sustainability.
It could be possible, but also very difficult. It requires a number of favourable events.
Dear MDPI team
Is it accepted when Editor ask minor Revisions in Sustainability? Thank you. How many time from the pending editor Decision to be accepted and published? Thank you.
Hello! No, it is not accepted yet. Those minor revisions should be addressed and approved by the academic editor. It’s hard to say how long it would take as it also depends on the availability of the editor.
What does it mean with conversation skipped in MDPi?
Hello, that is the final step previous publication. Sometimes it is skipped so the PDF version is quickly available online, and later on the full-text online version is uploaded.
what is the stage before pending review?
Hi Siddarth. Thank you for the comment.
‘Pending review’ is, in fact, the very first status. It means that the paper is due to be pre-checked, and we are looking for suitable reviewers for the peer review.
How long does it take for a status to change from “Under Review”? Is it usual that the status shows “Under Review” even after 27 days post submission date?
Hello Ana. The status under review means that the manuscript is in the peer-review process. We cannot say how long it will take because it depends on external factors too. Our suggestion is to ask the assistant editor for more details if needed.
Best regards,
I have submitted my manuscript to one of your journals and it rejected with the editor before it sent for peer review
The reason for rejection is general:
” we will not be able to process your submission further. Submissions sent for peer-review are selected on the basis of discipline, novelty……….”
I want to know if I can resubmission it to another journal in mdpi with lower impact factor
Hello! In principle, there is no problem with submitting it to another journal. We would suggest to check it with the editorial office of the second journal.
Best regards,
How many days does it take for the status to change from “Under Review”? Is it usual that it is almost a month (precisely 27 days) from the date of submission and the status is still “Under Review”?
Hello! That does depend on external factors too. Under review means that the manuscript is currently going through the peer-review process, which depends on the availability of the reviewers to provide the reports. We recommend checking with the assistant editor for more details.
Best regards,
What does “Ask for additional reviewer ” mean after first round of submitting revised manuscript?
Hello! It means that another reviewer is needed to make the first decision. Probably requested by the academic/guest editor.
How long days takes of a status “Pending decision” , does it neutral sign?
It should take around 48h, but it depends on the external editor’s availability.
What does “pending English” mean after “paper accepted”?
It means that the paper is been revised by our English editors. That stage takes around 24h.
What is the average time for a status to change from “Under Review”?
Hello, thank you for your question. It depends on the article, topic and other factors. We try to get a first decision based on the review report in less than 20 days.
I was wondering what is the average time the manuscript status shows “Pending review”?
Thank you
Hello Avin,
We normally give the authors a reply within 3 days after submission. There are different reasons why a manuscript may be held in “Pending review”, some examples are: some issues need to be addressed by the authors, or we are waiting for the academic editor to pre-check it. Either way, we communicate its status to the authors at all times and are happy to reply to any questions.
Does “Pending Review” means the paper has passed pre-check?
Thank you
Thanks for your question. No, it means it is being checked by the academic editor and internal editors, previous peer review.
What is meant by the Manuscript status as ” Under Review”?
It means it is being peer-reviewed.
What is the average time for Manuscript status to change from ” Pending Review”?
Hello, the average time on this status is 3 days.
Does it include weekends?
Working days 🙂
Sir. I submitted my paper in veterinary sciences section clinical veterinary medicine on 31/12/2021 but till now 1/4/2022 my status is “pending review”. 4 days but still “pending review”. Sir, what may be the reason???
Hi Saleem. Thank you for the comment.
‘Pending review’ means that the paper is due to be pre-checked. We are looking for suitable reviewers for peer review, which is the next stage.
Hello,If the status of “pending review” is more than one week, whats this means?
Hi Dongx. Thank you for the comment.
‘Pending review’ means that the paper is due to be pre-checked. We are also seeking qualified reviewers for the peer review during this stage.
We suggest getting in touch with the Editorial Office for further information.
Hello Ömer, thank you for your question. We do also publish regular papers.
I was wondering what is the average time when my manuscript status show “Pending editor decision”?
Thank you,
Hello Vahid. Editors are busy people, they can usually make decisions within a few days but sometimes there is a delay or they need an additional opinion and it can take longer. You can email the Assistant Editor handling your paper for an update if you are experiencing a delay.
what is mean by “pending decision”.
Hello Delphin. This means that an editorial decision will be made soon. This could be, for example, once we have received enough review reports to decide whether or not to accept a paper.
Hello Suresh. ‘Pending review’ means that we are looking for suitable reviewers and the paper will be sent out for peer review soon.
What is meant by the Manuscript status as ” Pending Review”?
[…] common questions we have received. If you missed them, you can go back and read the first two posts here and here. Today’s questions cover the editorial process and how you and your institution […]