What Does My MDPI Manuscript Status Mean?
Manuscript status can be a little bit confusing at times. Submitting your manuscript to an MDPI journal involves hours of research, drafting, and formatting, before finally finishing with a paper that you’re happy with and ready to publish.
Once you do submit, it’s likely that you’ll have questions about when your paper will be published.
As MDPI is processing your manuscript, it will be assigned different statuses. You can log in to MDPI’s in-house electronic submission system SuSy to track your manuscript status.
In this article, we will first discuss the overall publishing process, and then describe each manuscript status in detail. This should give you all the answers you’re looking for and put you at ease if you find yourself worried about your paper.
What You Can Do to Speed Up Your Manuscript Status
As an author, you will receive email updates when you need to take action. The Assistant Editor for your paper will also update you via email about decisions they make.
You can speed up the publishing process by responding to requests for action as soon as you can. However, we know that authors have multiple responsibilities as researchers, and we aim to be flexible as part of our high-quality publishing service experience.
If you know that you won’t be able to make a deadline, you should contact the Assistant Editor (Editorial Office) to ask for more time.
However, we may ask you to withdraw your paper if a round of revisions will take longer than a month. If this happens, you are more than welcome to resubmit your paper at a later date.
Reasons for Potential Delays
It’s important to mention that every manuscript is unique. Although some papers pass through the process and hit all the time estimates, others may take longer, for many different reasons.
Sometimes, delays occur when waiting for feedback from reviewers and Academic Editors. As an academic publisher, we rely on members of the research community to make important decisions about author submissions.
However, MDPI carries out most of the publishing steps, from submission to online publication. Our dedicated in-house team completes the administrative work. They offer high-quality administrative support and allow Academic Editors to instead focus on the scientific quality of the manuscripts. Any delays from us are extremely short, allowing MDPI to maintain high publishing speeds.
Publishing times also differ depending on the journal. This is because authors, reviewers, and Academic Editors in different fields of research have their own needs and expectations. In general, social sciences journals have slightly more time-consuming publishing processes than natural sciences journals.
You can find the median publishing pipeline times for each journal in the section “Rapid Publication” on the journal’s webpage.
You can also find this information in the “Journal Statistics” section, accessible via the left-hand menu.
Once the journal has accepted your manuscript for publication, the final steps will be completed. The median average for these steps is four days (2021).
Rejection Explained
Something that authors often worry about is manuscript rejection. There are many different reasons why a paper might be rejected during the publication process.
Rejections occur at various stages:
- Desk rejection (rejection upon submission)
- Rejection before peer review by the Academic Editor
- Rejection after peer review
The rejection letter from the Editorial Office will contain important information and instructions for you to follow.
How to Get in Touch About Your Manuscript Status
You can get in touch with the Assistant Editor assigned to your manuscript if you’re unsure about the status of your paper. In addition, you can email the Editorial Office if you haven’t received feedback from the Assistant Editor in the expected time frame.
However, please be assured that Assistant Editors keep a close eye on submissions and will inform and advise you about your manuscript status.
Click on ‘Editorial Office’ as shown to find their contact details.
Submission Statuses
Here are the MDPI submission statuses that you might encounter on the SuSy platform.
Pending review
The Editorial Office has received the manuscript and it is being pre-checked.
It usually takes 1–5 days. Delays may be a bit longer if the Managing Editor needs to double-check any information. Please contact the Editorial Office if it has been five business days and an Assistant Editor has not yet been assigned to your submission.
Under review
This manuscript status indicates that a paper has been pre-checked and is now being peer-reviewed. This status also applies to second review rounds (revised version reviews).
The first round of reviews usually takes around two to three weeks. At MDPI, we try to find 2–3 professional and efficient reviewers within the first week of sending out invitations. Our agreed reviewer time ranges from one to two weeks (depending on the journal), but we are flexible if reviewers require more time.
Because this step is out of MDPI’s hands, delays can sometimes be slightly longer. However, the Assistant Editor will continue to contact reviewer candidates until enough reviewers agree. Our editors are trained to find quality review candidates. Assistant Editors also communicate with reviewers and Academic Editors to see if they can recommend a colleague who would make a good reviewer. The Assistant Editor will also ensure that reports are collected as agreed and will inform authors if any delays are expected.
Revised reviews will be completed in around three working days, considering that reviewers are already familiar with the content of your paper, but we are flexible if reviewers require more time.
Pending decision
This manuscript status means that the Academic Editor is assessing the peer review process.
It usually takes 1–2 days. It may take longer than expected if the Academic Editor has a particularly high workload. If you find yourself waiting for more than a week, it’s best to contact the Assistant Editor for an update.
Pending major or minor revisions
The Editorial Office is waiting for your revised manuscript. As an author, this manuscript status means that it’s time to review your manuscript and edit it using the comments provided.
We expect to receive revisions within 5 days (for minor revisions) or within 10 days (for major revisions). This is inclusive of weekends and holidays. If you cannot return the edited manuscript and/or responses within the agreed time, you can get in touch with the Assistant Editor, who may be able to grant you an extension.
Pending editor decision
The Academic Editor is making a final decision about your paper. They will consider the latest version of the manuscript, as well as the completed peer review process.
This manuscript status usually lasts around 1–2 business days. There may be delays based on the Academic Editor’s workload and availability upon a decision request. If you find yourself waiting for more than a week, you may wish to contact the Assistant Editor.
Paper accepted
This manuscript status means that your manuscript has officially been accepted for publication. Congratulations! A professional Layout Editor is now working on the formatting.
Around 1–2 days. This may take a bit longer if Layout Editors are busier than usual, however we have measures in place to avoid delays—even if any editors on the team are on leave.
English correction done
The paper has been edited by a native English Editor. This is a mandatory step in the final stages of each paper, with no additional fee.
Around 1–2 business days. If you find yourself waiting for more than two days, please contact the Assistant Editor, who will investigate the status of your paper and invite an English editor to proofread it.
Author proofreading
Language and layout edits, including typography, abbreviations, image quality, and referencing order edits have been made by the Editorial Office for you to review and confirm. This is your very last chance to edit the paper.
We have a 24-hour window for this step. However, we will allow extra time if you need it. Please contact the Assistant Editor if you require an extension. Otherwise, we will send all co-authors a daily reminder.
Author proofreading – resubmitted
Thank you for submitting your proofread manuscript. The Assistant Editor will accept the final changes and double-check that everything is correct before the paper is published.
This takes priority for Assistant Editors. They aim to complete it in 12–24 hours. If it takes any longer than 24 hours, the Assistant Editor will contact you to let you know. Any pending edits or misunderstandings will be addressed via email before the paper is published to avoid post-publication edits.
pdf2xml / Pending conversion
This stage refers to an internal process. Every MPDI manuscript is converted into different formats, ready for publication. This takes around 24 working hours, but can vary depending on staff schedules.
We hope that this breakdown helped you to understand your manuscript status. If you have any questions specific to your paper, please reach out to the Assistant Editor assigned to your manuscript. You can find their details on SuSy.
I submitted a manuscript to energies. After completing two rounds of review, the decision in the system was accept in the current form. However, the editor then sent a comment which I responded to. Afterwards, the status now in “pending editor decision”, this has been the status for 5 days. I contacted the assistant editor but no positive repones received. This has never been the case with MDPI (I published over 20 articles with MDPI). How this can be sorted out.
Due to various reasons, like national holidays or annual leave, there can be certain delays in responses and backlogs. They will respond to you in due course, so please bear with them.
All the best.
Dear Jack McKenna
Many thanks for your response,
I still face the same problem. I submitted my revised version on Friday the 21st of February (12 day ago) but no decision has been made yet. I contacted the assistant editor but no clear timeline for the decision has been given. Is this correct and normal. The reviewers’ comments are very positive and approved the paper for publication. Why we experience this delay for no reason. It is disappointing.
Could you advise how this can be sorted out.
Kind regards
Mokhtar Shouran
I assure you that there is nothing to worry about and your paper will be dealt with. Please continue trying to contact the editorial office and explaining your situation.
All the best.
My article status is “xml2pdf done” how much time it will take for online ??
This stage refers to an internal process in which every MPDI manuscript is converted into different formats. This takes around 24 working hours on average, but can vary depending on staff schedules.
All the best.
Hello, my manuscript has been in the status “pending conversion” for four days. But there’s still no change. My attempts to contact the editorial office and assistant editor yesterday have not been answered. What should I do in this situation?
The editorial office will respond in due course. Thanks for your patience.
All the best.
We have our manuscript reviewed by journal Forests. In the second-round review after major revisions, as informed by the assistant editor, the reviewer agreed for the first and second-round reviews didn’t submit the second-round review report in a period of nearly two weeks, which is quite rare based on our experience. The revised manuscript was then sent to the academic editor for checking the revisions, and its status became “pending editor decision”. The submission system also showed that there is no second-round review report provided to us. In this case, will the failure of the reviewer in submitting the report influence the editor’s decision? Will we still have a chance to revise our manuscript, or just receive the “accept/reject” decision? The status “pending editor decision” lasts three days. Is there a schedule that we can receive the decision?
Please email the journal directly (via forests@mdpi.com) and explain your situation to them. They will be able to clarify and resolve your issue.
All the best.
Hi, I’ve been submitting my manuscript to applied sciences for a week now and it’s still in Pending review status, and I haven’t gotten a response from the editorial office even though I emailed them yesterday to ask about it.
The editorial office will respond in due course. Thanks for your patience.
All the best.
Hello. I sent emails to editors requesting to extend the period of revision that passed already yesterday. No one replying is there any other way to apply for an extension?
Hello Sarah,
I’m sorry to hear this. If you contacted the editorial office over the weekend your email may not have been processed yet as our offices are all closed. The best contact is the assistant editor assigned to your manuscript. However, you can contact the journal directly if you continue to have this issue.
Hello my dear editors,
I resubmitted my manuscript after proofreading and it is “pending conversion” for almost 3 days. I want kindly ask when my manuscript can be found on-line. Thank you very much😊
There is likely a slight delay due to national holidays; your manuscript will be processed very soon, so please be patient. If you are concerned about your manuscript, please email the journal directly. You can find their email on the journal homepage.
All the best.
Hello, my manuscript has been in the status “pending review ” for 10 days. But there’s still no change. What should I do in this situation?
The slight delay is likely due to Chinese New Year celebrations and public holidays. You will receive a response in due course.
All the best.
Good morning, I have received 4 reviewers feedback on my paper and submitted the paper for the second round. In the above text it was mentioned that the journal is inviting 2-3 peer reviewers, but in my case they invited 4 is this normal?
Another question please, one of the reviewers provided too many comments (more than 80 comments) most of them are very detailed, is this something normal to receive these amount of comments it is more likely the feedback that is done by supervisor rather than a peer reviewer, appreciate your feedback.
Kind regards,
The review process varies paper by paper, and different reviewers approach the task in various ways. Please get in contact with the editorial office of the journal you submitted to (this is available on the journal homepage). They will be able to explain your situation in more detail.
All the best,
Hello, I resubmitted my manuscript for minor revision. I have been waiting 10 days in pending editor decision. I got “since one rewiever doesn’t have enough time to do revise time” from assistant editor. After this mail I waited 6 days. I would like to know, how many days it lasts for reviewing. What should I do for this situation?
Due to various reasons, like national holidays or annual leave, there can be certain delays in responses and backlogs. They will respond to you in due course, so please bear with them.
All the best.
I have something to ask you.
I submitted a major revision on July 23rd, but only reviewer 2 reviewed it and reviewer 1 did not review the revision.
But the current status has changed to Pending editor decision and it has been 3 days.
What is this situation?
Are you waiting for reviewer 1’s review?
I am very anxious and worried.
Please get in contact with the journal you are publishing with and explain your situation in detail; you can find their email on the journal homepage. They should be able to discuss the situation in more detail and help relieve you of your worries.
Hope this helps answer your question
I hope this comment finds you well. I sent several emails to the editorial team regarding my manuscript ID: computation-3050835 since I paid the APC on 9th Jun 2024.
All process has been completed and still not published.
My manuscript status is pending conversion ten days ago.
Due to various reasons, like national holidays or annual leave, there can be certain delays in responses and backlogs. Please continue trying to get in contact directly with the journal. I hope this helps to answer your question.
Hi good day,
I have submitted my article in energies (energies-3092655) on dated 21.06.2024. The dashboard status is showing that the paper is under review but the editor has given the decision on dated 25.06.2024 as mentioned below
“Unfortunately, from a scientific point of view, the contents of the manuscript are not sufficient to justify evaluation in a high-impact journal. I cannot determine the strengths and innovative aspects of the research work presented compared to the state of the art; on the contrary, commercial hardware solutions have excellent technical characteristics and performance on the specific topic.”
But I haven’t received any email about rejection or something. Could you please guide me about the true picture of my article in this regards?
Please get in contact with Energies journal and explain your situation in detail; you can find their email on the journal homepage (energies@mdpi.com). They should be able to help resolve your issue.
Hope this helps answer your question.
My paper “electronics-3041296″ got accepted on 18th june, 2024. In my MDPI profile the status of paper is showing ” conversion skipped”. What does it meant? Is it still under editing process?
Please guide in this regard.
Please get in contact with the journal you are publishing with and explain your situation in detail; you can find their email on the journal homepage (electronics@mdpi.com) . They should be able to help resolve your issue.
Hope this helps answer your question.
Manuscript Number: materials-2931047
Title: The Effect of Sn Content on the Microstructure, and Mechanical Characterization of Mg-Sn Alloys
Please check for updates of our article and let me know how it’s going. We submitted our research paper via the submission system on March 08, 2024; the present status is a Pending Review on March 08, 2024 onwards. Please consider and check prior to arriving at the final decision. I’ve emailed you twice already, but there is no reply at all. Kindly reply as soon as you can.
There are various reasons for delays in editorial decisions, including public holidays, a high influx of submitted papers, and more.
Please get in contact with the editorial department of Materials at materials@mdpi.com, they will be able to help resolve your issue.
Hope this answers your question.
I submitted my manuscript to land journal 18 days ago. The still is still pending review. I have emailed the editorial office twice but have not received any response.
I don’t know what’s going on
What should I do in this case?
Hello Tufail,
Please ensure that you have reached out to the journal itself (“journalname”@mdpi.com) and if you have not heard back from the assistant editor, it is possible that there has been a delay in the manuscript processing. Please ensure that you go through your spam folder to ensure that you have not missed information. Hope this helps.
Dear editor, can I withdraw my manuscript after it has been accepted? After the revision, the reviewer pointed out that there were still areas for improvement in the article, but the editor agreed to accept it. We would like to provide readers with higher quality research.
Please get in contact with the journal directly to answer this question. You will be able to find their contact details on the journal homepage. I hope this helps answers your question.
I submitted an article in AgriEngineering, which was then directed to a special issue and subsection.
The article went through three rounds of review. It gets rejected after 3rd review mentioning a cause that the reviewer comments are not addressed. However, we addressed all the reviewer’s comments and made changes according to the review. Also, we did some extra corrections where needed.
Is it possible to appeal for an additional consideration? We believe we did address all the comments.
Thank you.
Please contact the journal for further guidance on this matter as they would be the ones to provide you with clarity. Hope this helps.
Hello, is it possible to resubmit manuscript to IJMS after withdrawal from same journal?
Resubmission rules for IJMS vary depending on the reason for withdrawal. Please see the journal’s Instruction for Authors page for more information. I hope this answers your question.
Dear Jenny,
I have requested a waive of APC, they said they have no waive by this time and I even requested them to shift it to another section journal of MDPI which has less fee like and there is no response. what do you suggest?
Good day,
Please continue to wait for a response from the journal as they are the ones who can make changes presently. If you want to speak with someone, you can email the journal specifically or the assistant editor handling your manuscript. Hope this helps.
Hello Jennyknowles,
I have submitted a manuscript to foods journal and it is under review process. They requested me to confirm the article processing charge. I also requested them to waive the fee as there is a fee waiver for authors from developing countries unfortunately they said by now we have no waive of fee. Again I request them to shift it to another section journal of MDPI which has less fee and there is no response. What do you suggest to me? Thanks
Good day,
Please continue to wait for a response from the journal as they are the ones who can make changes presently. If you want to speak with someone, you can email the journal specifically or the assistant editor handling your manuscript. Hope this helps.
Hello, my dear editor. I submitted my manuscript to “Cancers” three days ago. And my status was “rejected by publisher.” I don’t know what this means. By the way, I sent an email for an explanation, and no reply was received.
Hello Guangyu,
Unfortunately, we are unable to assist you in this matter. Rejected by publisher can be for any number of different reasons, you will need to wait for the editorial office to get back to you. Hope this helps.
I am not sure if my article has been reviewed because the status of the article shows “Under processing”. Does this “Rejected by publisher” status mean that it has not been reviewed by the editorial office yet.
I have sent a manuscript almost 2 months ago. Had 2 rounds of major revision. For the 3rd round of revision the first rev said „i have no comments„. the second rev did not upload any answer and the 3rd rev asked a question regarding one figure caption. After the second major revision the status went to „pending editor decision„ as I was encourgaed to resubmit my article due to extensive review. After the reviewers uploaded the 3rd round of comments I have recieved no email to upload the answers and I can not upload them intro the platform, I can just see the comments. Now, the status is „minor revisions„ and the editor suggests that we answer to the reviewers comments (but we have just one comment now, about the figure caption). I have recieved no email regarding the status. I just saw this on the platform. What should I do in this case? I am afraid not to miss the deadline to upload the comments on the last reviewer observation. Should I wait or should I get in touch with the Editor?
Thank you very much!
Hello Ana,
Please contact the editor handling your manuscript if you have any questions or concerns about deadlines. Hope this helps.
Despite my multiple efforts to reach out to MDPI both via phone and email (including my assigned editor and sustainability@mdpi.com), I have yet to receive a response. The status of my manuscript, sustainability-2656026, is currently listed as “pending review”. It has been over a week without any updates. I’ve communicated with both the editor and the editorial office, but to no avail. Is there an alternative contact method or email I should consider?
Hello SL,
The journal can be contacted directly at sustainability@mdpi.com, but if you have already communicated with the editor and the editorial office, you may just need to wait for an answer as there might be delays in answers due to general communication with other parties.
I submitted my manuscript in Sensors at August 28th. But the manuscript status is still pending review. Also, I mailed this issue to Sensors Editorial Office at september 4th, but I didn’t get any response. How can I handle this issue ?
Hello Sangkwon,
I would encourage you to reach out to the journal again at sensors@mdpi.com. It is possible that the email was simply missed. We hope that this helps.
Can I ask you a question? Is your paper “under review” now or is it still “Pending review” because I am facing the same problem but not with Sensor Journal with another MDPI Journal. Is there any progress? Please let me know …
My paper is under review. What does it mean, please elaborate.
As explained in the article: “This manuscript status indicates that a paper has been pre-checked and is now being peer-reviewed. This status also applies to second review rounds (revised version reviews).” Hope this helps.
I submitted my manuscript on July 21st, and it is still in the pending review status.
I have tried contacting Energies and MDPI multiple times, but after they responded that my affiliation information was incorrect, they haven’t provided a solution. How can I resolve this issue?
The identifier of my manuscript is “energies-2544204”.
I submitted my manuscript to MDPI based on the reputation of its fast process.
However, it has been over a month and my manuscript is still in the “pending review status”.
I kindly ask for your assistance in expediting the review process for my manuscript.
Unfortunately, we are unable to assist you as we do not have access to your manuscript or database. We encourage you to reach out to the Managing Editor of the journal (listed on the journal website) who will be able to provide you with clear guidance on how to address any outstanding issues. Hopefully they are able to provide you with more details than the Assistant Editor handling your submission. Hope this helps.
I kindly ask you about the reasons behind delay publishing “Manuscript ID – Buildings-3069658”. It took long time after it has been accepted.
Due to various reasons, like national holidays or annual leave, there can be certain delays in responses and backlogs. They will respond to you in due course, so please bear with them.
All the best.
What is meaning of the status “conversion skipped”, after acceptance.
What are the possible reasons of this status?
Hello Usman,
This is an internal status code MDPI uses, it does not affect the authors and all journals receive this status at the end of the publication process. Hope this helps.
I have submitted my respond to my review to round (2nd revision) on 5th of September.
So far I havent received any respond.
I got the response to my 1st review in 9-10 working days .
May I know the reasons or should I wait any longer.
I will be thankful for your kind response.
Hello Usman,
Unfortunately, we are unable to give you a reason for this. It seems to be approximately the same amount of time as the first round, so we encourage you to be patient and the journal will reach out to you shortly. Hope this helps.
I have already seen the reviewers’ reports, but the status of our submitted manuscript is still “pending decision.” Is it normal, and what should I do next? Should I start writing the revised version based on the reports or wait until receiving the decision from the Academic Editor?.
Hello Sofia,
Your assistant editor can give you more information on the specifics, but you should wait until all the review are back and a decision is made before you start working on your revisions. Hope this helps.
Dear Katherine Bosworth
This is the automatic message we received on rejection of my manuscript (Manuscript ID: scipharm-2555665):
We are writing to inform you that we will not be able to process your
submission further. Submissions sent for peer-review are selected on the
basis of discipline, novelty and general significance, in addition to the
usual criteria for publication in scholarly journals. Therefore, our decision
is not necessarily a reflection of the quality of your work.
We wish you every success if you choose to submit it elsewhere.
May I know the reason for this automatic message, as we submitted manuscript on July 28, 2023 and Rejection mail on August 05, 2023. Why MDPI cannot provide a fair review process for manuscripts having scientific merit as in message itself one place it is telling significance and other place it is telling we are not questioning the quality of work. I suggest this automatic message should be re-written.
We therefore, request that at least the editor should suggest the shortcomings in manuscript so that can bee modified for better merits.
Hello Shahid,
All manuscripts that are rejected during the application process receive this email. Manuscripts often are reviewed by an editor who makes the decision to accept or reject submissions. If you wish to have more specific information, please contact the journal as we are unable to assist you with this. Hope this helps.
My manuscript is in the peer review process (review report; round 1) and now the manuscript has already been revised. I need the information to resubmit the revised manuscript. I have not found the resubmitted thumb on Susy. Thank you
Hello Moh,
Please reach out to the journal you have submitted to for information you might need. You assistant editor will be happy to assist you with this matter. You should be able to resubmit the article to them directly as well if there are issues with Susy. Hope this helps.
My paper has been in pending review for 5 days in administrative sciences, what should I do?
Hello Samia,
The process may take longer than five days, but if you have any specific questions, please feel free to reach out to the Administrative Sciences editorial office.
Hi. My question is:
The academic editor gave his decision as: The paper is accepted after minor reviews. SO, after incorporating and submitting minor revisions, the editor decision on next day shows: Accept after after minor revision. However, The status on main profile shows minor revisions, why it doesn’t show accepted? Even we already incorporated and submitted minor revision and editor decision inside shows: Accept after minor revisions. What does it mean?
Hello Ahmed,
Accept after minor revisions suggests that changes are required before acceptance. Once those changes are made, they are typically sent back out for review. Hope this helps.
Hello, My two friends submitted their manuscripts in two different journals in MDPI. Guest editors accepted their abstracts in pre-submission and the editorial office invited them to proceed with the full submission. But after submission, manuscripts were rejected. What is this matter?
Hello Asim,
Unfortunately, we are unable to assist you with this as we do not have any of the necessary information for the journals. You will need to reach out to the respective journals and ask them directly. Hope this helps.
Hi Katherine,
I submitted my 2nd revised version to Susy on May 26th. The status has been “pending editor decision” for a month. I sent emails to the AE and the journal office but no responses. I don’t know what happened? What could I do? How long do I need to wait?
Thank you so much!
Hello Cosima,
It is possible that they are still waiting on a review or an editor to review details. We encourage you to reach out to the journal again, and you can also include the journal manager in the email (their contact details are found on the respective journal’s website at MDPI.com).
Good morning
I have submitted a manuscript to Sensors 8 weeks and still waiting for a decision. The status is “Pending editor decision” for two weeks. I would really appreciate an update on this.
Hello SK,
We encourage you to reach out to the journal (sensors@mdpi.com) or speak with the assistant editor assigned to your manuscript for further information. Unfortunately, we do not have access to the submission system and are unable to further assist you in this matter. We hope that this information helps.
Hello, my article was submitted in March to sustainability.
Two reviewers thought it was great, the other reviewer rejected it and from the comments, it is clear they have missed the point of the article, and some of their comments made no sense (maybe a translation error?). There have been 2 rounds of review and we appear to have reached an impasse.
From the portal, I can see that the academic editor rejected it because of the comments from one reviewer and for the past week or so it now has a status of “Revised version review”.
I have emailed the Editor for clarification, and got this response “We have invited Academic Editor to help us check your paper and Academic Editor hope to involve a high profile and qualified one to help us review the paper.”
Are you able to clarify?
Hi ED, thanks for the comment.
Each manuscript is unique, and it is not possible for the Blog Team to clarify this situation. Please could you get in touch with the Sustainability Editorial Office?
Thanks Katherine. The review process is very confusing. I now have had 5 sperate reviewers, 3 recommended my article for publication, one gave me some areas where it must be improved, and one rejected it. The person who rejected it gave very unclear comments – maybe a translation error?
Sustainability have now rejected my article and I have had no opportunity to respond to the reviewer who suggested improvement. Is it normal for sustainability to reject articles against the recommendations of peer review? I submitted the article in March.
Hi Katherine
I posted a reply to this earlier, but it seems it was not moderated for approval. I hope it can be approved this time.
I have had now had 5 reviews, three recommended the article for publication, one suggested minor improvements, and one rejected the article. The reviewer who rejected the article’s review did not make sense. Maybe there was some error translating their review into English?
My question is this. My article has been rejected and I have not been able to respond to the minor improvements. Is it normal for sustainability to ignore 4 positive reviews and reject an article based on one short, unclear review? Thanks for helping me understand the process. I have already contacted the team at sustainability but no one has responded:
Hello ED,
Apologies on the delay. Unfortunately, the decision making process is not something that we can speak to as we do not have any of the information available to us. If you have reached out to the journal and there has been no response, you could try reaching out the journal manager (their information should be on the website for the journal) and be sure to CC both the assistant editor and the journal to ensure maximum visibility. If this does not work, please reach out to us again via blog@mdpi.com and provide your manuscript ID so that we can attempt to reach out to the journal.
Dear Katherine,
My current status of the manuscript says “Conversion Skipped”. Could you please let me know what does it mean? I noticed this status on my review SuSy system. Is there any need to make some corrections again to our manuscript? After how much time it will be available on the MDPI website? Kindly share your opinion on this fact.
Thank you very much.
Muhammad Asghar
Hello Muhammad, thanks for getting in touch.
Your paper should currently appear as a PDF online. In the near future, XML and HTML versions will also be made available.
Hello, again Katherine,
Sorry, no outcome yet from the journal. Still Pending Decision. I see in the comments (here) other people have concerns with the Editorial office of Energies journal. No response from them at all.
Would you please direct me to whom I should contact since no luck with the editorial office?
Kind Regards,
Hi Mohammad, thanks for the comment.
Unfortunately, we do not have any visibility over journal submissions.
Please review SuSy and check the email folders of the lead author of the manuscript.
I submitted my manuscript in toxics on may 30 th, the current status of the manuscript is pending decision for 5 days and the comments of the reviewers are uploaded but i haven’t received anything from the editorial team.
When can i reply to reviewers comments?
And if the reviewers comments are mainly negative does it mean that it will be rejected?
And finally how long does the pending decision take
Thank you
Hi Elina, thanks for getting in touch.
You will receive an email from the Editorial Office when it is time to take action. Please check your Spam and Junk folders.
You can also contact them here for an update.
Each manuscript is unique, and therefore it’s not possible to comment on the chance of rejection.
The pending decision status usually takes 1-5 working days.
Hi Katherine,
Sorry to bother you.
I submitted my manuscript to Energies special issues [Basin Analysis and Modelling] on May 27, 2023. It has been over half a month and is still pending review. Is the pending review for special issues usually lengthy? What should I do? Thank you.
Hi Kangaroo, thanks for getting in touch.
Please contact the Energies Editorial Office regarding this issue.
Hello Katherine, I have requested by email several times an update about our manuscript (energies-2275340), and the editorial office is not responding to my several emails:
We submitted our manuscript on 25 February 2023
Revision 2 was submitted on 7 April 2023.
The academic Editor decision was as follows: Accept after minor revision.
Comments: In my opinion, the manuscript can be accepted after minor revision. Decision Date: 14 April 2023
Then they sent it to the third review (with no required revision from us) on 20 May 2023.
The two reviewers’ feedback were uploaded on 2 June 2023. One of the reviewers (Reviewer 4) is using a non-professional way of communication. We are okay with this, but that person needs training.
Now it has been on “Pending Decision” since 2/06/2023. No clear outcome, and the process is taking longer than usual.
So far, the process is taking 3 months and 18 days and no final outcome.
Hi Mohammad, thanks for the comment.
Congratulations on having your manuscript accepted after minor revisions.
Authors receive emails from the Editorial Office when they need to take action. Please check your Spam and Junk folders, as they may contain an email from the journal staff about next steps.
Dear Ms. Bosworth,
Last week, we submitted a paper to a MDPI journal as a regular-issue paper, and since we were considering transferring the paper to one of the special issues (SI) in the same journal, we directly contacted one of the SI editors through an email in which the manuscript was attached, he responded that he liked the paper and we are welcome to submit it to his SI.
However, before an assistant editor was assigned to our paper, the paper was rejected by the journal.
Now this is my question: since the SI editor liked our paper, is there any point in submitting the work to his special issue, or since the manuscript was already rejected by the journal, it ends up with the same destiny again?!
As I stated before, the pending-review stage is really confusing. Even when SI editors are interested in the work, someone rejects it. It is not clear exactly who decides if the paper is worthy of going through a round of peer-review. Is there any one more specialist in that area of study than the SI guest editor himself/herself?
Also, after rejecting the paper at the pending review stage, there is no journal suggestions, or any way to transfer the work to another MDPI journal without going through the whole submission process again. Every time we want to submit the work we have to specify the role of each author which is really time consuming and ridiculous. Please find a way to address these issues. The contribution roles are already given in the paper, why should the submitting author select the roles one by one every time he wants to submit the work?!
Hi Mohammad, thanks for getting in touch.
Manuscripts can be rejected for various different reasons. You should review the feedback on SuSy, and if you still have questions, contact the Editorial Office.
Each MDPI journal has dedicated staff who specialise in that field. Therefore, submission to a different journal requires going through the same process again, so that they can evaluate the manuscript based on their own scope and expertise.
I’d like to ask about the status of “Pending review” which has lasted for more than 13 days. What should I do? Manuscript ID is ijms-2440986?
Hello Neolei,
It may just be that there was a delay in a review report or that they are waiting for something. We encourage you to reach out to the journal and the assistant editor handing your manuscript. Unfortunately we do not have access to that information and are not able to provide you with further details.
I have a question. If the MDPI journal to which we submitted the work does not assign an assistant editor in less than 5 working days, and the editorial office is not responsive to any of our emails, how can we transfer our submission to another MDPI journal without facing the risk of being counted as double-submission?
We are not sure if we should withdraw the work or even if the editorial office does so, because they have not been responding to our emails at all.
The work has been submitted for 4 days an no one has contacted us in any way, we are not even sure if our work is being processed or just left in the system. We are under considerable pressure and we should undergo the peer-review process as soon as possible. Unfortunately, some MDPI journals are not delivering the promise of a rapid process any more, the pending review stage is being considerably time-consuming unlike before. We used to reach “under review” stage in less than 12 hours, now it is nothing like before.
Hi Mohammad, thank you for getting in touch.
If you want to submit to a different journal, you will need to withdraw your current submission before submitting to the new journal.
Please note that it does take up to five working days for an Assistant Editor to be assigned to each manuscript. Every manuscript is unique, and hence waiting times do vary.
Dear Mr. McPhee,
We recently submitted a research paper to the Applied Mechanics journal, and it has been in the Pending Review stage for approximately three working days. However, the status of the paper (applmech-2451955) has not changed, and no assistant editor has been selected for the paper. We have tried contacting the editorial office because we have a question about a special issue, but we received no response. We are concerned about the article’s progress, as the journal has not published an article since May 12, 2023. We are under significant pressure from our institution, and time is of the essence. Can you please confirm if the journal is currently active?
Thank you for your help, support, and attention to this matter.
Hello Vahid,
To the best of my knowledge the journal is active. It may be a busy time in the editorial office. I would imagine that you’ll be hearing back from them shortly. Hope this helps.
Dear Ms. Bosworth,
I have a question regarding the “pending review” stage for papers submitted to normal and special issues. This stage is really vague for me, and I get rejection without a logical reason from time to time. Can you please explain who makes the shot at this stage? Who decides if the paper is suitable for sending to peer-reviewers or not?Please explain this for both normal and special issues. If it is the managing editor, is this person professional in all fields covered by the journal?
Hello Farhad,
Unfortunately, we cannot give you a specific person as this may vary. It can be a member of the Editorial Board, the Special Issue guest editor, etc. We encourage curious authors to reach out directly to the journal for further details on a case by case basis. Editorial Board Members are experts in the field(s) related to the journal (though they often have their own specific areas of expertise). Hope this helps.
Regarding the response given to some question for papers in “pending approval” status, dear support team should be aware that in this stage there is no Assistant editor assigned for the paper, so how do you want aithor to contact an assistant editor who has not been assigned to the paper.
Good day Ferri,
In the event that a paper does not have an assigned Assistant Editor, contacting the journal directly via email or the Managing Editor (contact information found on the respective journal’s website) would be the best way for an author to get an answer to any question they may have. Hope this helps.
I would like to ask, how long does it on average to receive a feedback after resubmitting and the statue is “revised version review”
Best regards,
Unfortunately we cannot give you specific information as we are not a journal and do not have access to your manuscript’s files. We encourage you to reach out to the Assistant Editor and journal for further information.
This in reference to the manuscript submitted to Processes with Ms. Ref. No. processes-2210544, the manuscript was rejected in round 2 but as we came to SuSy it was rejected without sending to the reviewers because round 3 comments are missing. Since, the decision was major revisions and without reviewers opinion in Round 2 and then rejecting is unethical and against the journal guidelines. So, we request you kindly provide the concrete justification for rejecting the manuscript without a review for major revision.
We refer you to the Processes editorial office for further information on the matter. We are not the journal and do not have access to that information. You can reach the journal at processes@mdpi.com. I’ve also reached out to the editorial office on your behalf. Hope this helps.
Hi Katherine,
I submitted my manuscript [applsci-2351292] to Applied Sciences on April 1, 2023. It has been over a month and is still pending review. What should I do? Thank you.
Hello M. Ahmed,
The best way to get clarity in your situation would be to email the assistant editor handling your manuscript and CC the journal (applsci@mdpi.com) and they will be able to give you more information. Please note that we do not have access to the information and are unable to help you further with this issue. Hope this helps.
I submitted my manuscript in Applied Sciences on April 11th, and it is still pending review. In addition, I sent an email to the editorial department of Applied Sciences on April 20th, but there has been no reply so far. What should I do?
Thank you for your help, but still no new information.And my manuscript ID is applsci-2366715.
Hello Lingren
I would encourage you to reach out to both the editorial office as well as the assistant editor handling your paper (CC the editorial office in the email). Sometimes editors need to wait for further information from other parties which can lead to a delay in response. I hope that this helps.
Hello Katherine,
We submitted our manuscript [IJMS-2385973] to IJMS SI: Deep Learning in Bioinformatics and Biological Data Analysis on 2023-04-21. It has been over 5 business days, but it is still under Pending review status. We have sent an email to IJMS editorial, but there has been no reply for two days. What should I do?
Thank you.
Hi W.Q., thanks for getting in touch.
I’m looking into this for you.
There was divergent reports for my paper with major comments from 1 reviewer and minor comments from 2 reviewers. Now paper is submitted to acadamic editor for decision and its been more than 2 weeks now, would divergent report cause any rejection of the paper or how likely is that my paper will be invited to edit for addressing comments to accept the paper?
Hi Tshering, thank you for the comment.
Each manuscript is unique. Therefore, it’s hard to comment on what the outcome will be. Please could you reach out to the journal’s Editorial Office? They will be able to provide a clearer picture for you.
I submitted my manuscript in Applied Sciences on April 11th, and it is still pending review. In addition, I sent an email to the editorial department of Applied Sciences on April 20th, but there has been no reply so far. What should I do?
Hi Lingren, thank you for the comment.
I’m looking into this for you.
Hi, I have submitted my revision on April, 6 and my status changed to “Pending Editor decision” on April 12 but its been a almost 3 business day but the status is still same. Please clarify this is positive sign or negative sign for me. Thanks
Hi Ali, thanks for getting in touch.
Please do get in touch with the Editorial Office regarding this issue. They will be able to provide an update on your manuscript and if the Academic Editor needs much more time to make a decision.
Hi, Jennyknowles
The status of “xml2pdf done” has been unchanged for 10 days. I contacted the Assistant Editor, but the Assistant Editor replied “We need to confirm some details regarding the publication process internally.”
Could you help me to cope with my situation?
Hi Wusi, thank you for getting in touch.
Sorry to hear that you’ve been waiting longer than expected. Sometimes, the Editorial Staff need a bit more time to process a manuscript. They are doing everything they can to get it published as soon as possible. You will be notified once your manuscript is online.
Is it normal to take more than month as status under review ?
Hi Tshering, thanks for getting in touch.
Apologies that you’ve been waiting so long. This status usually takes 2-3 weeks, but this can be extended if reviewers require more time.
Please could you get in touch with the editor handling your manuscript for an update?
I want to clarify, the status of my paper is REVISED VERSION REVIEW. Is it for reviewer’s or author’s action? Got confused also because in the decision, it is written: ACCEPT AFTER MINOR REVISION. Thanks.
Hi Aliza, thanks for the comment!
The status ‘Revised version review’ means that your manuscript is being peer-reviewed for a second time. The reviewers will provide comments and recommendations, and then your manuscript will move onto the next status.
Can I withdraw a paper which has been reviewed and in the “pending major revision” status?
Hi LAAB, thanks for the comment.
Yes, you can cancel any time before the paper has been accepted for publication. For more information, please review article 3.5 of the MDPI Terms and Conditions.
Dear Editor,
I submitted my manuscript to the special issue of Diagnostics on February 27th. I received an email from you on March 2st asking me to submit some signed documents regarding the ethical approval of my experiment. I did so promptly and since then my manuscript status has been under review. I read on your website that the average review time for this journal is about two weeks. However, it has been more than two weeks since I submitted my manuscript and I have not received any further updates. Could you please kindly inform me of the current status of my manuscript and the expected time for a decision? I appreciate your attention and assistance.
Hi Miles, thanks for the comment.
You can reach out to the Diagnostics Editorial Office. They will be able to provide you with more details regarding this.
i submitted my article to MDPI . 3 reviwer gave the commnets, one of the reviwer rejects and two accepted . what will be chance of publication?
Hi Sanjay. Thank you for the comment.
Each manuscript is unique in this respect. It comes down to the Academic Editor to decide whether or not a manuscript is published. You can reach out to them for further details.
Dear Ms/Mrs. Katherine Bosworth,
My name is Patni Ninghardjanti, I submitted my manuscript on sustainability journal, with ID sustainability-2165383. The status is still on “Pending editor decision”. Furthermore, from your latest information, it usually takes 1-2 days, however, the status of my submission is still on that stage for almost a week. could you please help me to tell the editor about this?. Thank You for your help and understanding.
Best regards,
Patni Ninghardjanti
Hi Patni, thanks for the comment.
I understand you have been waiting longer than expected, and I am following this up for you.
Is it possible to do edits after the publication extremely necessary one, for example a mistake in formula on which the results are based? If it is missed during the proof read? How can it be done?
Hi Tufail. Thanks for the comment.
MDPI has an expert team of editors who detect English errors and house style issues in the proof-reading stage.
However, if this is related to an error in your formula, then take a look at this detailed policy regarding corrections and retractions. Once you’re clear on the ins and outs, get in touch with the Editorial Office, and they’ll process your request.
Dear Katherine,
We have submitted our manuscript to Cancers and got major revision. After submitting the revised version and getting back the 3 reviewers comments (Round 2), the current status is now “pending decision” since 10 days. Should we reach out to the assistant editor? Or is the academic editor hiring a fourth reviewer? Or should we just wait?
Thanks for your help.
All the best,
Hi Edvin,
I recommend contacting the Assistant Editor about this issue. The ‘Pending decision’ status usually takes 1-2 days.
hello sir, i submitted a research article to applied sciences. its a original research about sealers used in endodontics, but i dont know why its rejected. can you please tell me the reason why it has been rejected, so that i can correct it and resubmit it.
Hi Prashanth, thank you for the comment.
You can find this information on MDPI’s SuSy platform. Once you are logged in, you can access your manuscript submission. Please reach out to the Editorial Office if anything there is unclear.
Hi, good morning!
I submitted an article to microorganisms. It has been two weeks since the status “Revised version review”. What might have happened?
Hi Gustavo, thank you for your comment.
In rare cases, reviewers do need a bit more time to assess the manuscript and make changes. You can get in touch with the editor assigned to your manuscript for specific details.
Hi! I submitted a manuscript last month and it was under review and then pending editor decision. Four reviewers gave good reviews and recommended the manuscript for publication. However, the editors decision was reject and decline submission. Reasons added to the comment section by the editor was that the paper isn’t ready for publication.
What could be the reason behind this? Is it common for reviewers and editor to not agree? Shouldn’t the editor have allowed for “pending minor or major revisions”?
Hi Zulu, thanks for getting in touch.
You can find out more about the specifics by contacting the Editorial Office directly.
Hello Katherine,
My status of the manuscript says “”Conversion Skipped”. What does it mean?
Hi Piter, thanks for getting in touch.
Your paper should currently appear as a PDF online. In the near future, XML and HTML versions will also be made available.
Excuse me, I am having a concern.
I submitted my manuscript to the Economies on December 30th 20222. The status changed from “Pending review” to “Under review” on January 5th and the Assistant Editor was also assigned on that day.
It is already more than three weeks since my manuscript was submitted, but there is still no feedback from editorial office and the status is still “Under review”.
Could you please advise me how to deal with this situation? If possible, could you help to reach editorial office on my behalf.
Thank you very much
Your kind help is appreciated!
Hi Adit, thanks for getting in touch.
Please could you take a look at the ‘Under review’ section of this article? This will give you a better idea of the time frame you can expect. The journal staff aim to find suitable reviewers in one week, but this depends on the research field and the availability of reviewers at that time. Reviewers then have up to two weeks to return their comments, but reviewers may request more time.
You can keep up with updates to your manuscript by logging onto MDPI’s SuSy.
Dear Katherine,
We have waited for more than five days. My manuscript has been submitted to Remote Sensing “remotesensing-2204341” on January 21, 2023. The status is still “Pending Review.” I have contacted with the editorial office but I did not get response.
Could you help us contacting the editorial office on our behalf.
Best regards,
Hi Waheeb, thanks for the comment.
I fully understand that it can be nerve-wracking to wait for updates on a manuscript. I’d recommend waiting until Tuesday next week. If you still don’t notice any updates, please get back in touch.
Dear Katherine,
My manuscript has been submitted to Remote Sensing “remotesensing-2204341” on January 21, 2023. The status is still “Pending Review.” I have contacted with the editorial office but I did not get response.
Could you help us contacting the editorial office on our behalf.
Best regards,
Hi Waheeb, thanks for getting in touch.
The ‘Pending review’ stage usually takes about five working days maximum. However, it can take slightly longer in some circumstances. Please do get back in touch if you find yourself waiting any longer than this.
I submitted my paper on Deecmber 19th and after one month of review , the status is showing as pending decions since more than 5 days after one round of review. I can see the reviewer report is not very encouraging. Any feedback will be helpful.
Hi Teza. Thank you for getting in touch.
I would encourage you to contact the Academic Editor for any missed updates. They will advise you of the decision and any action that you need to take.
Dear Katherine,
The manuscript was submitted on January 17, 2023. The status is now “Pending Review.” Therefore, kindly check and take the steps. We have been waiting for over five days. We forward hearing from you soon.
With regards,
Raja Venkatesan.
Hi Raja, thanks for getting in touch.
The journal’s Editorial Office will be able to provide you with an update. You can find their details on the journal webpage. Click ‘Editorial Office’ on the left-hand side.
Hello Katherine,
I submitted my manuscript dentistry-2179056 to Dentistry journal 7/1/2023. It appears online as under review. However, there is an editor comment saying that the manuscript lacks novelty and has limited significance. Our manuscript is a cross sectional survey that analyses response of dentists regarding their practice in certain restorations. How can any one expect novelty in a survey study of this kind. Regarding the significance, our survey is very important for dentists to find out shortages and limitations of Thiet practice and try to correct and improve. Moreover, it significantly contributes to knowledge and guides dentists to evidence based recommendations in the practice. I have written to the editorial office to provide us with detailed peer review report since the status is under review. I hope we can receive a detailed peer review report.
Professor, Moataz Elgezawi
Dear Prof. Elgezawi,
The Editorial Office will certainly be able to provide further details. You can then apply the feedback to your manuscript and submit the corrections.
Is it possible to make publication in MDPI with full waiver for least developed countries?
If not why MDPI did not make publication free of charge as of elsevier and other reputable journals?
Hi Yohannes, thank you for the comment.
MDPI provides waivers and discounts to scholars around the world. In fact, in 2022, the average waiver rate across all MDPI journals was 35%.
Please could you reach out to the journal’s Editorial Office? They will be able to advise on any waivers and/or discounts available to you.
Hello Ms. Katherine!
Thank you very much for answering my previous comment.
Anyways, I thought that the assigned assistant editor or editorial office should have replied my e-mail when I was inquiring about the progress of my manuscript.
Do you think how long probably I should keep waiting?
Hello Sopheap, thank you for the comment.
They should respond within 1-2 working days. This does depend on their schedules.
Hello! Excuse me, I am having a concern.
I submitted my manuscript to the journal of Materials (materials-2126601) on December 13th. The status changed from “Pending review” to “Under review” on December 15th and the Assistant Editor was also assigned on that day.
It is already more than three weeks since my manuscript was submitted, but there is still no feedback from editorial office and the status is still “Under review”. I try to inquire assistant editor and editorial office by e-mail, but still no feedback from them.
Could you please advise me how to deal with this situation? If possible, could you help to reach editorial office on my behalf?
Your kind help is appreciated!
Hi Sopheap. Thanks for getting in touch.
I encourage you to take a look at the ‘Under review’ section in this article. This will tell you all you need to know about this status. The journal staff aim to find expert reviewers within a week, but it can sometimes take longer to find the right match. Furthermore, the reviewers then have 1-2 weeks to provide their comments. Occasionally, they may need more time.
the manuscript has the ID number of jrfm-1985894
It has is under the status of pending conversion and it waited for two weeks still now? what should I do?
Hi Yohannes, thank you for the comment!
Please get in touch with the journal’s Editorial Office. This is highly unusual and can likely be quickly resolved.
My manuscript in Pharmaceutics pharmaceutics-2107259, was uploaded on 3rd of Dec, on the 5th of Dec, Special Issue Guest Editor not qualified the manuscript to this issue, but my work has been still under review. Today, manuscript is again pending review. What does it mean?
I contact with assigned editor, but I did not got response.
Hello Arek,
We have reached out to the editorial office on your behalf and you should hear back from them soon. Thanks for reaching out.
I haven’t checked my status for two weeks since it was “Under Review”. Today I checked as its changed to “Pending decision” and I see peer reviewers comments. Please I have only two question I really appreciate if I got the answer:
1- Did my status changed to “Pending major or miner decision” before that I don’t know because I didn’t check my status
2- Did I receive email if the current status change to “Pending major or miner”
Best Wishes
Hi Sarmamy, thanks for getting in touch!
1. ‘Under review’ implies that peer review is taking place. Peer review can take place at different points in the overall process, depending on the manuscript.
2. You’ll only receive emails if you need to take action. Otherwise, you can keep up to date with the status of your paper by checking SuSy, MDPI’s submission system.
I submitted paper to agriculture journal number of article is 1972147 and I finished two rounds of major revisions. The status of paper is pending decision for 33 days. It is first time for me to face this issue in MDPI as I published a lot of papers in MDPI journals and the decision was take after 2days
Hi Mohamed, thanks for reaching out.
Sorry you’ve been waiting longer than expected. Please could you contact the Agriculture Editorial Office? They will be able to provide you with further details on the delay and any action that needs to be taken.
Hi everyone I’ve submitted my paper long time ago it’s been two years years now since my status remains under review, what should I do at this moment I’ve been trying sending an enquiries but there was know response
Hi Mdumiseni, thanks for the comment.
This is very surprising to hear. I have contacted you privately about this matter; please check your spam and junk folders. We’re conducting an investigation into how this happened.
My manuscript is (Pending a decision). Still, I haven’t gotten any requests for minor or major changes. What does it mean?
Hi Bodour, thanks for the comment.
The Academic Editor is currently reviewing the peer review findings. You can expect to receive information about changes soon.
Dear Sir
so how to upload the revised proposed paper?
Hello Jasem,
You can upload your revised manuscript by logging in to SuSy, MDPI’s manuscript submission system. This is done in much the same way as when you initially uploaded your paper. Take a look at our ‘How to navigate SuSy‘ video for guidance.
Dear Sir
how can I find my submitted paper reviewers’ emails?
please advise
Hi Jasem, thank you for the comment!
In most cases, the MDPI peer review process is single-blind, meaning that authors don’t know who the reviewers are.
Is it possible to request for a second author’s proof?
If yes then how should we go about it?
Hi Amit, thanks for the comment!
Please get in touch with the editor assigned to your manuscript about this issue. You can simply email them back, in the same thread where they provided you with the first proofreading.
Hello Katherine,
My current status of the manuscript says “”Conversion Skipped”. What does it mean? Does it have to go through the process of editing again by the MDPI editorial team? Kindly shed some light.
Thank you.
Hi Prof Arif, thank you for the comment!
Your manuscript is now being made available as a PDF on the MDPI site. Very soon, it will be converted to XML and HTML.
I have an inquiry, I submitted my research article on 27/ 9 / 2022. But there is no update from the editor or journal. This is the second paper that I published in sustainability.
Hi Nawal, thanks for the comment! And thank you for being an MDPI author.
Please could you get in touch with the Sustainability Editorial Office for further information?
I’d like to ask about the status of “Pending Editorial Decision” which has lasted for more than 10 days. What should I do?
Thanks a lot
Dear Torres, thank you for your comment. We always try to provide a decision as soon as possible, but we rely on external academic editors for that. They usually have a busy schedule. Hopefully, you will get a decision very soon. If you need more details about your case, in particular, the assistant editor assigned to your manuscript can help with that.
Best regards,
If the status says “xml2pdf done” after that how much time it takes for online publication of article ??
Hi Zain, thanks for the comment.
Your paper will be published in under 24 hours.
“xml2pdf done” status has been there for more than 48 hours on our manuscript in Fuels (fuels-2852123). Can this be expedited?
Please get in contact with the editorial department of Fuels at fuels@mdpi.com, they will be able to help resolve your issue.
Hope this helps answer your question.
I am going to submit my academic paper for my PhD degree. How can i do that, madam/sir
Hi Ham, you could start by selecting the most appropriate journal from the list at https://www.mdpi.com/ and submitting your academic paper to your chosen journal. Hope this helps!
I have submitted abstract to one of special issues, they have not reply me. Can I submitt the manuscript in another journal in another publication group, is abstract submision considered as submitted manuscript?
Hello Nf,
My understanding is that you are able to submit your manuscript, but it cannot be published in both places. Hope this helps.