citation tracking

Citation Tracking and Metrics

We have introduced a few handy citation features for our publication platform at, and used this to calculate some basic citation metrics. Here we provide some information on citation tracking and citation metrics.

After implementing CrossRef CitedBy linking, we now display citations to an article directly on the abstract page (see here, for example). Citations to MDPI articles are highlighted with our blue open access logo, so readers can instantly see the open availability of these articles. We are currently also working on a database of scientific and scholarly articles through which we aim to label all open access articles given in the citations.

CrossRef CitedBy

The CrossRef CitedBy feature also allows us to display a list of the most cited papers for each journal. For our older journals, we offer the possibility to track highly cited papers from the last 6, 12, 24 and 36 months. An example can be seen by clicking the ‘most cited articles’ tab on the homepage of our flagship journal Molecules.

Citation tracking

Just as handy is the possibility to have search results from ordered by the number of times a paper has been cited, allowing quick analysis and calculation of impact metrics. For instance, we can calculate h-indexes and i10-indexes. The h-index (Hirsch-index) is a measure that tells us the number n of papers cited at least n times. The i10-index counts the papers that have received 10 or more citations.

Because both indexes tend to be higher the more papers are included in the calculation base and neither can fall over time, we also calculated relative indexes by dividing the index by the number of papers included in the calculation and multiplying by 100. Typically, h-indexes and i10-indexes are calculated for an author. However, they can also easily by calculated for an institute, a country, a subject discipline, a journal or an entire Publisher. The following two tables present the h-indexes and i10-indexes for papers we have published, by country and journal.


By Country (*)
Papers h-index Relative h-index i10-index Relative i10-index
USA 7911 44 0.56 741 9.37
China 5332 36 0.68 342 6.41
Germany 2330 32 1.37 250 10.73
Japan 2210 29 1.31 179 8.10
Italy 2167 31 1.43 221 10.20
Spain 2015 26 1.29 162 8.04
Switzerland 879 22 2.50 68 7.74
(All Countries) 36480 66 0.18 3’348 (**) 9.18

* Citation tracking based on CrossRef CitedBy data as of 28 May 2014
** This number can not be obtained from the search interface, as it is limited to display a maximum of 1000 search results.

Journal citation tracking stats

By Journal (*)
Papers h-index Relative h-index i10-index Relative i10-index
Molecules 6162 46 0.75 795 12.90
Sensors 5340 48 0.90 783 14.66
IJMS 4807 42 0.87 541 11.25
IJERPH 2058 26 1.26 209 10.16
Marine Drugs 1171 33 2.82 232 19.81
Energies 1111 22 1.98 64 5.76
Remote Sensing 1100 19 1.72 101 9.18
Entropy 1082 18 1.66 60 5.55

* Based on CrossRef CitedBy data as of 28 May 2014