MDPI Papers Cited in the News: April 2023
Throughout April 2023, a total of 716 MDPI papers were cited in news articles published in prominent outlets such as The Washington Post, Forbes, The Guardian, BBC News, and National Geographic.
Learn more about the latest research below.
- The Washington Times – “The lighting in your home could be affecting your mood”
MDPI, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health – “Access to Daylight at Home Improves Circadian Alignment, Sleep, and Mental Health in Healthy Adults: A Crossover Study” - The Guardian – “Plastics touching our food may be making us gain weight”
MDPI, Nutrients – “Bisphenol S in Food Causes Hormonal and Obesogenic Effects Comparable to or Worse than Bisphenol A: A Literature Review” - BBC News – “Can lucid dreaming be harmful?”
MDPI, Clocks & Sleep – “Lucid Dreaming and the Feeling of Being Refreshed in the Morning: A Diary Study” - National Geographic – “Axolotls and capybaras are TikTok famous—and that could be a problem”
MDPI, Animals – “Using Google Trends to Determine Current, Past, and Future Trends in the Reptile Pet Trade” - CNN – “Reset your body and mind with 10 ‘spring-cleaning’ tips”
MDPI, Nutrients – “Narrative Review of Hydration and Selected Health Outcomes in the General Population”
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I am interested to submit paper
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