New Trends in Polymer Science—Health of the Planet and People
From the 25th to the 27th May of this year, Sciforum hosted an international conference in Turin, Italy, Polymers 2022 – New Trends in Polymer Science: Health of the Planet, Health of the People, which was also organised in collaboration with Polymers, MDPI journal.
Trends in polymer science
The meeting was held in order to bring to light some of the most recent developments in polymer science and technology from scientists in academia and industry. The conference had 166 attendees, and included 42 talks and 127 poster presentations, with registrants coming from 30 countries worldwide.
The purpose of the meeting was to bring together scientists from academia and industry to present leading-edge research on the advancements in polymer science and technology in all its main aspects, with a particular emphasis on those aiming to preserve and improve the health of the planet and of people, as per title.
I caught up with two of the chairs of the event, Professor Pierangiola Bracco and Professor Marco Zanetti, from the Department of Chemistry, University of Turin, to learn a little bit about them and their experience of the conference.
Professor Pierangiola Bracco
Research Background
Q: First, can you tell us a little bit about your research background?
A: My research background is in the field of degradation and stabilization of polymers and, in particular, of those for biomedical use and, recently, of biodegradables. I also deal with electrospinning of polymers of natural or synthetic origin.
In-person events post-pandemic
Q: This was the first in-person event to be co-organised by MDPI after the pandemic. How was it going back to in-person events?
A: My co-chairs and I strongly wanted to hold the conference in person and I am completely satisfied with its success. Probably, this choice penalized some potential participants from geographic areas not yet fully open to travel and I am very sorry about this. However, I believe that the possibility of sharing with the participants not only the “institutional” program, but also the spontaneous discussions that frequently arise at every moment of in person events, is priceless.
Main topics
Q: So, what were the main topics discussed at the event?
A: The conference included topics from broad spectrum polymer science and technology. I noticed and appreciated a strong orientation of most of the contributions in the direction of polymers for sustainability and well-being, as per the title.
Event Highlights
Q: What was the highlight of the event for you?
A: In addition to the benefits already mentioned of the return to an in-person event, I particularly appreciated the significant presence of young researchers and the good scientific level of the contributions.
Q: How has Sciforum been helpful in the organisation of the event?
A: I believe that the collaboration of the MDPI staff and Sciforum was essential for the success of the conference. The MDPI staff carried out the secretariat work with exceptional efficiency, before, during and after the event, thus relieving my co-chairs and myself of many administrative tasks. Thanks, Elena Pablo and Ana!
Professor Marco Zanetti 
Research Background
Q: First, can you tell us a little bit about your research background?
A: I deal with polymeric materials, in particular, their applications and durability. I deal with flame retardancy, polymer nanocomposites and the degradation processes of polymers, also including polymers from renewable sources.
In-person events post-pandemic
Q: This was the first in-person event to be co-organized by MDPI after the pandemic. How was it going back to in-person events?
A: Going back to a face-to-face event was very emotional. During the pandemic, we realized that we can save time and energy by making good use of web calls, reducing non-essential travel to the benefit of the planet. However, we have also understood that in certain cases face-to-face meeting is irreplaceable, as in the case of the Polymers 2022 congress. Interpersonal relationships between researchers are one of the fundamental elements for keeping research activity alive.
Main topics
Q: So, what were the main topics discussed at the event?
A: The latest innovations and discoveries in the field of polymers were discussed with a particular focus on two fields of application: how polymers can help us improve the health of the planet and of people.
Event Highlights
Q: What was the highlight of the event for you?
A: First of all, realizing that during the pandemic period, researchers continued to work hard, producing stimulating results of the highest quality. It is my opinion that we have benefited from invited lectures by top-level scientists. From a more specialized point of view, the congress highlighted how much research on polymers is increasingly oriented towards the issues of sustainability and the use of renewable resources.
Q: How has Sciforum been helpful in the organization of the event?
A: I worked in the past on the realization of other events of this type, but this was the first time that the organization was carried out in partnership. My experience has been very positive thanks to the substantial help provided by the MDPI team. MDPI has dealt with many administrative issues, first of all the management of registrations, giving us the space to be able to be more focused on the scientific aspects of the congress. I take this opportunity to thank Elena, Ana and Pablo for their contribution before and during the event and all those in MDPI who helped us in the organization, starting from 2019, the year in which we started working on this congress.
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