Updates to our Manuscript Submission and Publishing Systems
This is a short summary of a few recent updates to our submission and publishing systems. We hope that this update serves to help our authors in a number of different ways. In this post we will cover funding bodies, CrossRef, ORCID updates and more.
Funding bodies
- You can now include data on the funding body and award number when you submit your manuscript to one of our journals. This update allows funding information to be registered with FundRef in case a paper is published. FundRef is a service provided by CrossRef and providing a standard way to report funding sources for published scholarly research. The funding data is publicly available through CrossRef’s search interface and API for funders and other interested parties to analyze. For more information on FundRef, see https://www.crossref.org/fundref/.
CitedBy and CrossRef Updates
- CitedBy links have been integrated into the abstract pages of published papers, and references of more than 20,000 papers from our journals have been deposited to CrossRef. CitedBy links are citations from others journals participating with CrossRef to the papers published in MDPI journals (and vice versa).
Classification numbers and ORCID Updates
- Authors can now key-in classification numbers when submitting their papers. Classification numbers are registered with some of the abstracting & indexing databases.
- ORCID’s can now optionally be added for authors. ORCID’s are unique IDs that persistently identify authors of scholarly works. For more information on ORCID, see https://orcid.org/. ORCID numbers are deposited to CrossRef and PubMed when registering the papers with these services.
We hope that this update helps to inform our authors and readers. As the times and technology change, we will too, and we will continue to make improvements to the system. When we make additional changes, we will provide updated information at that time. Stay tuned for further updates in the future.