Finding the Most Frequently Cited Scientists Over the Past Decade
Each year, a team of data scientists at ClarivateTM identifies the most Highly Cited ResearchersTM in the world. The data experts rely on a wealth of data from Web of Science, one of the most trusted databases of scientific publications.
This year, many scholars involved with MDPI’s journals have been named on the exclusive list.
Scientists who receive the accolade of Highly Cited Researcher are among the most influential authors within one of 21 specific categories. Or have had an outstanding impact across several of these categories. In both cases, the Highly Cited Researchers have published several papers which rank in the top 1% of papers in terms of citations.
For the analysis, papers published between January 2011 and December 2021 were considered. The data team at Clarivate analyzed data in the InCites Essential Science Indicators to flag authors of the most highly cited papers. InCites is a citation-based research evaluation tool run by Clarivate.
Depending on the research categories, different thresholds of citation counts apply in order for a paper to be ranked in the top 1% of the citation distribution. The highest threshold is for Clinical Medicine.
Editorial Board Members Recognized as Highly Cited Researchers
Between all MDPI journals’ editorial boards, there are 776 Editors who were named as Highly Cited Researchers this year. This is out of 6938 researchers from 69 countries who were named on the list. It’s an impressive count. Congratulations to these highly distinguished scholars who, with their expertise and novel thinking, contribute to the quality of MDPI journals.
On the Nanomaterials Editorial Board, for example, there are no fewer than 52 Highly Cited Researchers according to the 2022 list. They have published outstanding work in the categories of Materials Science, Chemistry, Physics, Environment & Ecology, and Engineering. Or they have been recognized for significant cross-field impact.
The journal Batteries, currently publishing its eighth volume, has 14 Highly Cited Researchers on its board. They review manuscripts, edit a Section, or oversee journal development.
Outstanding Contributions Over Time
The Highly Cited Researchers list offers more than just a snapshot of scholars’ influence. It identifies researchers who have demonstrated stellar academic influence over time. It’s a distinguished group, representing the top 0.1% of scientists and social scientists in the world. Chances are that future Nobel Prize winners are from the circle of Highly Cited Researchers named now.
Unlike Journal Impact Factors, which are also based on Web of Science data, the Highly Cited Researchers list focuses on academic authors, rather than academic journals. The data scientists acknowledge that each metric, “whether total citations, h-index, relative citation impact […] etc., accentuates different types of performance and achievement”, and therefore, “there are many highly accomplished and influential researchers who are not recognized […] in the 2022 list”.
To be selected as Highly Cited Researchers is the result of persistent high-quality research at the forefront of science. Congratulations to the winners!
Want to share your expertise in one of MDPI’s leading open access journals? Apply to become an Editorial Board Member by filling out the dedicated form.