MDPI Papers Cited in the News: May 2023
Throughout May 2023, a total of 866 MDPI papers were cited in news articles published in prominent outlets such as TIME, The Atlantic, Harvard Business Review, The Guardian, and National Geographic.
Learn more about the latest research below.
- It’s natural that we’re affected by what we put in our bodies. However, the connection between the food we eat and our mental health may be much stronger than previously anticipated.
BBC News – “Can food help alleviate anxiety?”
MDPI, Nutrients – “Diet, Sleep, and Mental Health: Insights from the UK Biobank Study”
- Zombie cells are cells that have stopped dividing, but are not dead. They can make our skin look older. But a potential cure could change all that.
The Huffington Post – “Are ‘Zombie Cells’ Ageing Your Skin? Here’s What To Know.”
MDPI, IJMS – “Skin Aging, Cellular Senescence and Natural Polyphenols”
- Lyme disease, a fatiguing affliction caused by tick bites, is now on the rise across continents.
National Geographic – “Lyme disease is spreading fast—but a vaccine may be on the way”
MDPI, IJERPH – “Range Expansion of Tick Disease Vectors in North America: Implications for Spread of Tick-Borne Disease”
- More parking spaces mean more cement. This is making urban landscapes several degrees hotter than they would be otherwise.
The Guardian – “How to improve US cities and tackle the climate crisis? Get rid of parking spaces”
MDPI, Climate – “The Effects of Historical Housing Policies on Resident Exposure to Intra-Urban Heat: A Study of 108 US Urban Areas”
A large parking lot in Oklahoma, USA.
- New research shows that consuming soft drinks increases the risk of bone fractures.
The Atlantic – “Beware of the Food That Isn’t Food”
MDPI, Nutrients – “High Consumption of Soft Drinks Is Associated with an Increased Risk of Fracture: A 7-Year Follow-Up Study”
- The work break of the future could look very different. Dogs can help workers like nurses to de-stress during difficult periods.
Harvard Business Review – “How to Take Better Breaks at Work, According to Research”
MDPI, IJERPH – “Canine-Assisted Therapy Improves Well-Being in Nurses”
- When making tequila, a liquid called vinasse is created that is difficult to dispose of. Now, the global tequila market is worth 8.15 billion USD. How can we throw away the vinasse safely?
TIME – “Tequila is About to Become the U.S.’s Most Popular Spirit. That’s Bad for the Environment”
MDPI, Water – “Generation of Tequila Vinasses, Characterization, Current Disposal Practices and Study Cases of Disposal Methods”
See more MDPI Papers Cited in the News here.