- The 2021 citation metrics have been released in the Journal Citation Reports (JCR). We are thrilled to report that the average Impact Factor for MDPI journals increased to over 4.0.
- We are pleased to announce that 182 MDPI journals are included, of which 21 journals received their first CiteScore, and 85% of journals increased their CiteScore from 2020.
- Reviewer Article Selector: New Tool for Reviewers to Pick Papers in their Area of Expertise: MDPI is pleased to announce the Reviewer Article Selector! This is a tool that’s available exclusively for MDPI's Reviewer Board Members and Volunteer Reviewer Board members. Reviewers can select manuscripts that spark their interest and apply to review them at their own convenience. In order to maintain high peer review standards, once the application is received, the editorial office of the journal will check for any existing conflicts of interest.
- Let’s Talk about Open Access… An Editorial Written for UKSG: MDPI highlights the need for open access publishers to open up about their working styles. We also encourage the industry as a whole to have an open dialogue about innovation in author services and what this means for scholarly communications.
- CSAL Consortium Renews National Agreement for Switzerland with MDPI: In early 2022, the national agreement between MDPI and the Consortium of Swiss Academic Libraries (CSAL) was renewed for another year. The CSAL consortium is a strong proponent of international open access. The consortium works to guarantee the quality and competitiveness of Switzerland as a research hub. Institutions participating in the CSAL-MDPI agreement include University Hospital Basel, ETH Zurich, and CERN.
- Speed of Publication: Delivering Insight Faster: As the world’s leading open access publisher, MDPI aims to allow researchers to disseminate valuable information quickly. This approach facilitates scientific progress, and benefits not only the research community itself, but society at large. Learn about the importance of delivering information quickly.
Behavioral Sciences, Vol. 13, Pages 713: Competition Anxiety in Combat Sports and the Importance of Mental Toughness BehSciMDPI dlvr.it/SwqrJX pic.twitter.com/bnD3zS6dFr
Effects of Low-Carbon Visualizations in Landscape Design Based on Virtual Eye-Movement Behavior Preference by Zhengsong Lin et al. 👉buff.ly/48uK3cA #LandscapeDesign #virtualreality pic.twitter.com/7PD1SVEL2m
【関連研究のご紹介】 第1回目の緊急事態宣言時に医療従事者を対象とした調査です✏️ 調査より精神的健康状態の悪化を防ぐために仕事の満足度を保ちつつ、制限がある中でもできる余暇活動に取り組むことが必要であることが示されました mdpi.com/1660-4601/18/1… twitter.com/popopoooon/sta…
👏New Special Issue of JCM @JCM_MDPI "New Insights into Arterial Stiffness", edited by Dr. Kazuhiro Shimizu welcomes your submissions! Link:mdpi.com/journal/jcm/sp… Deadline: 20 April 2024 pic.twitter.com/4aNtf6hqnF