Spotlight on Metals
Metals is this edition’s focus and we’re shining our spotlight on one of MDPI’s most interesting journals. How has the journal grown over the years and what does it’s future look like?
A history of Metals
As with many of MDPI’s journals, the inaugural issues of the journal were originally published as quarterly publications. Metals was launched in 2011 and the Editor-in-Chief, Prof. Dr. Hugo F. Lopez, has served since the journal’s inception. Only three years later, in 2014, Metals was indexed in Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE)—Web of Science (Clarivate Analytics). The following year, Metals received it’s first Impact Factor.
2016 was a breakout year for the journal, and it adopted a monthly publication schedule and also announced the first edition of its Travel Award. Two years later, it published its 1000th paper! Metals also held two physical editorial board meetings at both TMS 2018 and Thermec’ 2018. Continuing the tremendous success of 2018, the journal announced the first edition of its Young Investigator Award.
The Portuguese Materials Society (SPM) also became affiliated with Metals that same year.
Massive growth of Metals in 2020
Metals experienced significant growth and established the following sections:
- Extractive Metallurgy;
- Powder Metallurgy;
- Corrosion and Protection;
- Biobased and Biodegradable Metals;
- Metal Casting, Forming and Heat Treatment;
- Additive Manufacturing;
- Metal Failure Analysis.
In addition, it published its 5000th paper, became affiliated with the Spanish Materials Society (SOCIEMAT), organized the 1st International Electronic Conference on Metallurgy and Metals. and announced two prizes: the second edition of the Highly Cited Paper/Outstanding Reviewer Awards and the fourth edition of the Travel Award.
Establishing new sections and the present
It established new sections in 2021, with Transition Metals and Rare Metals and Computation and Simulation on Metals joining the family. In 2022, the journal also added:
- Welding and Joining;
- Structural Integrity of Metals;
- Metal Matrix Composites;
- Crystallography and Applications of Metallic Materials;
- Metallic Functional Materials.
The journal received its 2023 Impact Factor (2.9), ranked 20/78 (Q2) in “Metallurgy & Metallurgical Engineering”, and received a CiteScore (2022) of 4.4 (ranked Q1 in “Metals and Alloys”). The journal announced the third edition of the Best Ph.D. Thesis Award, the fourth edition of the Young Investigator Award, and the fifth edition of the Outstanding Reviewer Award. Finally, last but not least, Prof. Dr. Yong Zhang joined as co-Editor-in-Chief in 2023.
Want to learn more about the journal?
Metals is an international, peer-reviewed and open access journal publishing international, interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed, open access journal on religions and theology, published monthly online by MDPI. For more information, please see the journal’s page.
Thinking of submitting your manuscript to Metals?
The journal is committed to publishing innovative and quality research. Authors thinking of submitting manuscripts to the journal can access the list of requirements for submission on the webpage. Metals is dedicated to ensuring research integrity and high quality manuscripts.
Authors are encouraged to read the submission instructions specific to each journal prior to submission. Authors looking to publish their work in Metals can submit manuscripts online at susy.mdpi.com. Templates for articles are provided here in both LaTex and Microsoft Word formats. In case you are unsure, the submitting author is generally the corresponding author and is responsible for the manuscript during the submission and peer-review process. To submit your manuscript, register and login to the submission website.
Once you have registered, click here to go to the submission form. All co-authors can see the manuscript details here. To do so, they must register and log in using the same e-mail address used for manuscript submission.
Future research
The journal is always looking to publish new and innovative research. For a more extensive list of research topics, have a look through the journal’s About section. As the journal moves forward and continues to grow, more and more exciting research will continue to be published in this exciting journal.