Spotlight on Antioxidants
In our Spotlight series, we highlight one of MDPI’s excellent journals each month. Following up on our article about Viruses, here, we go into detail about the history of the standout journal, Antioxidants.
This journal has the highest Impact Factor of all MDPI journals. It also relates to an important human health issue: antioxidants.
The journal Antioxidants has an Impact Factor of 7.675, which is considered very good. In light of this incredible achievement, let’s take a look at the journal’s history.
Antioxidants: a brief history
Antioxidants was established in 2012 by Dr. Stanley Omaye and MDPI, who is still the Editor-in-Chief. Dr. Omaye is a Professor at the Department of Nutrition, University of Nevada, USA.
It was a quarterly journal for six years. It started mostly publishing in 2018. In 2019, Antioxidants received its first ever Impact Factor.
In 2020, the journal became affiliated with the Israel Society for Oxygen and Free Radical Research (ISOFRR). The Society provides an arena for Israeli academics to discuss redox biology. Eestablished in 1985 by Motti Chevion, it is now headed by Dr. Anat Elmann. They organise annual meetings for their members.
Members now have access to MDPI discounts. ISOFRR members also get help and support from the Antioxidants Editorial Office.
Some words on Antioxidants
Laura Soto, Publishing Manager of Antioxidants, had this to say about the journal:
“I feel very proud to be part of the Antioxidants family. I think that the whole editorial team and our Academic Editors have done excellent work. […] They support us, and they want our journal to grow and to be the top biology-related journal in the world.”
Be sure to read more of our interview with Laura Soto.
Thinking of submitting your manuscript to Antioxidants?
You can submit your manuscript online at susy.mdpi.com. The author who submits is usually the corresponding author and is responsible for the manuscript over the course of submission and peer review. To submit your manuscript, register and log in to the submission website. Once you’ve registered, you can click here to go to the submission form for Antioxidants. All co-authors have access to the manuscript details in the submission system. They just need to register and log in using the e-mail address provided during manuscript submission.
There have been many Special Issues in Antioxidants. Take a look at the Antioxidants Special Issue page to see the latest open ones.
What’s next?
We’re going to provide overviews of many more journals. There’s so much to learn about MDPI’s fantastic journals, which are shaping science and more. For the next article, we’ll take a look at Genes, established in 2010.